Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cooked food makes me go...

Sleepy. I feel sleepy. I ate some cooked food with the family yesterday when we went to Leku Ona for dinner. Jeff couldn't stop talking about the roasted peppers so we went to eat roasted peppers along with a slew of other cooked appetizers ~ like croquets! All of the food was delicious - but today I am feeling the remnants of my decision. I am one tired momma. My body seemed to digest it all well - and business as usual this morning - but I can definitely tell a difference in my energy level and my clarity of mind.

This week I have done a lot of milling over in my mind about being completely raw. The original plan was to be 75-80%. I have managed to be 100% (minus two ears of cooked corn and a bite of chocolate on Thursday night) up until yesterday and I have come to the conclusion that in the future I will maintain a 75-80% status. There are just too many things in life that I like to eat and I will be OK with that. For now - or for another 45 days I am going to do my best to be as close to 100% as possible.

It is not convenient to be raw. It takes a lot of work. And I am American afterall... I've been spoiled by convenience. I will take the time though - to spoil myself with love.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Raw Treat

I experimented and followed a recipe from Ani Phyo's Raw Dessert Cookbook. I've been eyeing multiple recipes from her book titled, Ani's Raw Food Essentials and decided to test one of her recipes. Making a raw dessert is NOT cheap ~ especially when you can't find alcohol free pure vanilla extract ~ and have to purchase whole vanilla bean ($11 for 2 beans). The cream base is composed of cashews, vanilla bean, lemon zest, lemon juice, coconut oil and water. You can use lecithin as a thickener but I am also steering clear of soy and lecithin is a soy derivative. The
crust is made up of almond meal and moist dates. I used dates from the bulk bin that seemed to do the job - I just had to increase the qty to have more moisture and binding capability. ( I again did not have the patience to look for medjool dates)Lastly the strawberry topping consisted of strawberries and agave nectar. The dessert satisfied my sweet tooth. In fact - going almost two weeks without anything too sweet - a small slice was more than perfect. Te and Jeff both enjoyed it and we came to the conclusion that if you had a nut allergy it would be tough to be completely RAW.

I also experimented with another one of Ani's recipes. I whisked me up some teriyaki noodles. Noodles being zucchini spirals. Once I've been on this raw road for awhile there is no doubt I'll be able to come up with my own creative recipes. I know what I like to eat - it's a matter of figuring how to imply the flavor into a raw state. I do look forward to being able to incorporate grains again one day. And honestly I probably won't be a 100% raw all the time - just most of the time. I love ethnic food - mostly my momma's cooking and of course Japanese cuisine. I also like
Mexican and Chinese and it all comes in moderation. Paying attention to the innuendos of my body and listening.

Monday, September 05, 2011


Sunday was a BBQ birthday bash for my brother-in-law. It was hosted at his sister-in-law's. Not everyone knows I've made the switch to raw and I obviously do not expect anyone to accommodate my current food choices. So - par for the course - I packed myself a meal to be certain I would have something to chew on, including pineapple for dessert. You cannot imagine my glee when it was time to eat once Mindy realized she forgot two salads in the fridge. When she set them on the counter one was coleslaw the other was a zucchini salad. I asked a handful of questions about the ingredients and learned only vinegar, herbs, and lemon & lime squeezes were used for flavoring. I filled my plate! I filled my plate with a watermelon wedge, some unbuttered corn on the cob (not raw I know), pickled cucumbers, purple cabbage coleslaw, and zucchini salad.

Around me everyone was eating pulled pork & beef, BBQ beans, cranberry jello salad, and more. On top of that there was a table full of desserts that included: cake pops, margarita cupcakes, pina colada cupcakes, peach cobbler, Reeses cake...the desserts went on and on. Funny thing is - I would of loved a piece of Reeses cake (I love PB & chocolate) - but I had absolutely no undying desire to break my routine. I don't even have to measure the difference between how I felt before and how I feel now. I am amazed by how much lighter I feel.

It is always par for the course that after we go out to eat we more often then not have to hurry home for Jeff to relieve himself. You see, Jeff has a very efficient metabolism, every time he eats he has to poo. When we got in the car to head home he was stinky, mind you. I was farty too - and the realization came that I don't stink! Eating clean means less bulk, less stink, less discomfort...

I started my Essiac routine finally about 4 days ago. It's a process since you have to brew it and can it. I had to make room in the fridge to fit 7 quart jars of tea. It's best kept refrigerated. It's a highly detoxifying tea. Next in line is learning to suck down the GotuKola/Holy Basil blend. I might have to add stevia just to get it down.

I had one of the best massages ever on Friday too. I have never had my face & scalp worked on and my chest has been in serious need of being worked out for years. I came out of the massage room tingling from the waist up since we didn't have time for my legs. It was great to feel the blood flow. She was so worth the drive to Nampa. I can't thank my friend Angela enough for the complimentary massage. Deborah was the best!

Thursday, September 01, 2011


So much for posting daily. My life is too chaotic and random Internet connections make for empty promises. I will just refrain from treading that road. Posts will come when posts will come.

No caffeine. No flesh. No dairy. No grains. No sugar. Eight days in and we're rocking and rolling this raw thing. My days consist of smoothies and spontaneous salad combinations. If I can - I shoot to get all my different therapeutic herbal teas down. Two more weeks and I will have my special tincture to add to my arsenal. Fortunate for me I am not a big meat eater. I AM a big coffee drinker and am now realizing big cheese-eating-kefir-drinking-loving fool. Kefir is still permitted on occasion because of it's kickass probiotic qualities buut I have a slight ache for cheese in my salads. I love stinky cheeses. With eating more mindfully I am again reverting to actually chewing and enjoying each bite like food should be. And imagine how delicious a bit of stinky cheese would be...

Up until Day 6/7 my daily movements were averaging about 1x per day. I knew there would be a shift in my bowels I just imagined they would be far more looser (sorry! With the amount of greens and berries I eat every day you would think I'd be working from the porcelain chair. Not the case. Still not the case - but it appears yesterday was the day when my body finally decided to "let 'er rip." Yea I was a little gassy and was letting them go, funny thing is, they don't stink. So no silent creepers now. Just loud odorless ones instead! My body it appears is finally eliminating, almost everyone time I sit on the pot there is movement. The great thing is - I am not running to the restroom for fear I'll mess my pants. I'm just eliminating and detoxifying regularly like I should be as I work towards homeostasis. Finally got the Essiac tea brewed up and canned. We'll see how these detoxifying herbs affect my body next.

I feel really quite good. No bloat, no edge of dehydration because all I want to do is drink coffee as my drink of choice...In fact I think my sinuses are less congested. Now contemplating how I will feel in another 7 days - even more clean and more pure? I bet.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fibroid Journey Day 6

I will try to post daily from here forward to reduce the rambling. I need to think about a name other than Fibroid Journey - something witty and fun. Something along the lines of reclaiming back my uterus...

Today, Day 6, has been a relatively good day. Heavy on the print work schedule but I did manage to get my Roobios Tea down this morning along with some water. Blended up a smoothie before walking out the door to spend a few hours running the copier. Brought along my tasty snacks compliments of Raw Cuisine Delights (Chili Nuts & Pecan Wheels). Sustained me till dinner which was at 630p. Made spaghetti with meat sauce for the boys along with a spinach salad that included obviously spinach, feta cheese, strawberries, walnuts, and blueberries. I blended up a 16 oz smoothie to accompany my fresh picked tomato salad. Tonight's smoothie was stirred up with coconut milk & water along with some swiss chard to veer from the norm. My smoothie tonight definitely tasted more green than the others in the past - it was tolerable. That doesn't sound good, but it was, I've just mixed better in the past. Working a few more hours in the evening and more raw reading to conclude the night. Still need to mix up my Essiac Tea. Cross our fingers that happens tonight once I return home after a few more hours of printing.

Fibroid Journey Day 4 & 5

Saturday, Day 4, was Market day. I managed to pack myself in the wee dawn hour a raw walnut snack and some fruit to get me through my day. No more breakfast sandwiches from Fletchers Curbside Eatery ~ no more coffee either. When you're at a Market and there is an abundance of fresh produce raw food choices are not hard. It's a matter of what you want to pair together or not. I usually have my leatherman but seldom pack a kitchen knife. So tossing up a salad or breaking open a melon could be cumbersome. I opted for something simple. I got a nice sample serving of guacamole from The Flaming Avocado (best stinking guacamole ever) and sought out a nice medium size zucchini. Dean, the Market chef, was kind enough to slice it up and voila...I was a happy dipping queen.

Fast forward to the afternoon. I was tired. Been on my feet all day. Think I was feeling the after effects of hiking, rebounding & gastrointestinal junk that was still working itself out. My tailbone & hip flexors were screaming at me throughout the day. I laid down for an hour and rested. Got up took another shower for the day and proceeded to blend up a smoothie for the day. The family was headed to the Western Idaho Fair ~ and we know that Fair food is not raw-friendly food. I split my smoothie into (2) 16 oz servings and drank one on the way. Lots of walking around, lots of petting and talking to the animals, lots of fun and laughter as the kids explored all the rides they were qualified to ride. I ate an unbuttered piece of corn while everyone else feasted on gyros and butter delicious corn. Home about 11p and the rest of the smoothie down the trap. I failed earlier to get all my greens in for the day, I was hungry, so I opted to eat before bed. I fell asleep much sooner than I had anticipated. So - no tea for the night. I did try to drink the Gotu Kola/Holy Basil tea down (vericose veins, hemmerhoid, circulation) but Toni was right - it does not taste good. Next time I guess I'll plug my nose.

Sunday, Day 5, another Market day. This time East End Market at Bown Crossing. It's Sunday, I get to sleep in! With the ability to sleep in I had time this morning to prepare a smoothie before heading out for the day. I've been sticking to my base smoothie from Day 1 mostly to keep it simple and also because my fridge is packed with an abundance of other crap and I don't have much room. Early morning water drank, smoothie in hand and out the door I go. Good day in regards to feeling like the bloat is going away. About 9 pounds down from the last time I weighed with baby still in belly. Bought myself some triple olive spread from Urban Rustic Gourmet and sliced up some more zucchini as an accompaniment. Bought some kale and swiss chard. Lucky enough to receive in kind some gladiolas for the week, sweet corn and cucumbers. Again no coffee so I drank lots of lemon water compliments of Turk and Heather the Crepe car peeps. Home about 240p. Watched the end of a crazed wacked out movie with Nodzu. Took the dogs to the river to swim. Home around 530p and boogied our little booties to Periple Wines in Garden City where Boise Urban Market was being hosted. Great looking food. According to Jeff - great eats! He came stuffed...

I on the other hand was lucky to come upon Raw Cuisine Delights and indulged in a sort of cabbage salad with corn, cilantro & fresh lime squeeze with an apricot, date dessert that was made with a walnut crust. I bought myself some snacks to take home and try: Greens to Go (which most would probably not's VERY green tasting ~ trust me); Fire Fritters(?) spicy, sticky, gooey bar kind of concoction; Chili Nuts that included walnuts and almonds dehydrated with some chili spices, garlic powder, and Braggs amino acid; and then a little cookie treat,Pecan Wheels (?) that were kind of macaroon like. The little cookie delights were made with squash, coconut, agave nectar, vanilla. A super yummy and healthy cookie I'd be glad to pack in Te's lunch pack. A little Roobios tea downed for the night & more raw reading to conclude the night.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fibroid Journey Day 2 & 3

My week went to shit quickly. Just a lot of work and not a lot of time to nurture myself. Your day takes on a different appearance when you have to mindfully care for yourself. I was able to get down to smoothies yesterday - 1 fruit smoothie compliments of Tree City since it was 4pm and I was still running pick ups and deliveries (a slight detour from my regimen since it had frozen yogurt). Minus 2 bites of sauerkraut & a pear it was all I had in my belly. Finally whipped up a veggie smoothie on my way to work at 9pm for another 3 hours with a handful of grapes. Managed to get my Rooibios tea down. Still need to mix up my Essiac to drink with my Red Clover before bed. Won't have time to make the Essiac tea until Saturday night since it's a process. I'll have to can it. Only a slight headache.

Day 3, today has been more manageable. Still crazy busy in the afternoon but was able to go for a morning hike & get my bimonthly massage. I had a massage last week too since I got all junked up. Junked up again this week in the shoulders - I told Shawna it all came about Wed when my week went to shit. In a couple weeks we'll work on my abdomen, etc. since everything should be purged & the hCG out of my body.

Drank one smoothie today that consisted of: 1 c plain goat kefir, 1 c OJ, 6 kale leaves, 1 c spinach, handful of parsley, 1 c strawberries, 1/2 c raspberries, 1/2 c blueberries, tsp of kelp and a tsp of brewers yeast. (not too shabby)

My late afternoon snack & again part of dinner included: 2 c of cherry tomatoes, basil, 1/8c of raw walnuts, sea salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp of kelp, 1/2 tsp of brewers yeast and a light drizzle of Extravanganzo Garlic infused Olive Oil.

Dinner included: tomato salad,a strawberry, blueberry & broccoli salad, and more sauerkraut. For some reason stinking sauerkraut is the bomb ditty bomb.

Managed to make it to the Co-op to pick up some Sun Warrior protein powder. All day I've had a stinkin' backache. We'll see if it resolves itself here soon when my bowels get back in order. I've been having movements daily but I seriously need to unload and my body just isn't there yet. Otherwise I feel pretty good. I was terribly tired on Thursday and a little tired today - which might be resolved once I get a full 8 hours without interruption...

I'll add photos once my computer cooperates.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I am addicted to cofffee...shit!

So I had to admit at the end of Day 1 that I am indeed addicted to coffee. I can randomly break the habit at times ~ and everyone suggests not doing it cold turkey ~ but really why should I prolong the process? I had to take a nap in the late afternoon so I didn't have to medicate myself. It helped. I still have a slight headache today but nothing I can't manage. I just keep reminding myself of the bigger picture and the decision is not hard. I do however love my coffee ladies. So yes - I'll be that freak lady asking for a cup of hot water for my tea just so I can visit with my girls. (They've become quite good friends over the past 2-3 years.)

I fortunately already have a K-Tec high tech blender that I use on occasion. In fact I used it a lot when I first learned about my fibroids ~ it will mill grains, make soup, etc. All that fancy shit.

Day 1 Food included:

Breakfast Smoothie: 1 cup hemp milk, 1/2 c orange juice, 1/2 c water, 6 kale leaves, 1 cup spinach, 1 cup blackberries, 1 cup strawberries, 1/2 an avocado, handful of parsley.

Large Fuji apple & handful of raw unroasted walnuts

1/4 cup of fresh sauerkraut

Dinner Smoothie: 1 cup hemp milk, 1/2 c orange juice, 1/2 c water,6 kale leaves, 1 c spinach, 1 cup blackberries, 1 cup strawberries, 2 tbsp coconut oil, teaspoon of brewers yeast.

1/4 cup of fresh suaerkraut
Liquid: red clover tea; roobios tea, lemon water

I would like to get to the point where I can drink a warmer smoothie. Don't get me wrong - I don't want it hot - but closer to body temp so my spleen is allowed to work less. I believe my body is too damp & wet. I need a little more fire. So if I remember today I'll throw in some cayenne to spice me up!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

YO! Momma. Wake up!

This is the beginning of a new path I am pushed to pursue after numerous years of neglect. I have this trait (like many others) where I can ignore myself and not so much everybody else. This past year I've experienced many growing pains ~ especially in the last 4-5 months - that have made me ponder what really is important in my life. First beginning with the fact that Jeff & I had a "coming to Jesus meeting" back in late March. Our marriage was failing because we were both neglecting our relationship and each other. We lost sight of each other. Plain and simple.

Skip forward to June. (I missed my period in May and attributed it to stress. Yes I took a pregnancy test that came back negative. Having a baby at this juncture in time was not particularly welcomed since Jeff & I both needed to actively pursue each other with no additional distractions then what was already present.) The undying question for a few weeks was "got your period yet?" "No. If it doesn't come in June I'll go see the doctor." If I didn't get my period it was either I was pregnant or my fibroids were causing problems. On our way home from camping at Hells Canyon we started discussing being "one and done." We had Te we were happy. No need to go down the endless sleepless nights and dirty diapers regimen again. We were good. Te is 6. Te is pretty independent.

As always the Universe had something else in mind. A couple days later I pee-ed on a stick. We were pregnant.

I started spotting around mid July. Not a big deal really. I mostly spotted in the morning when I first woke up but throughout the day I rarely did. Had an ultrasound the first week of August and we attributed it to a fibroid that was resting on my cervix.

Monday, August 8, as the day was breaking I was experiencing a complete miscarriage in an outhouse at the Riviera (Marley property on the river near Sandpoint - my usual August haunt). Right at 14 weeks. I didn't realize I was in labor until the whole process was done and over. Lasted about an hour before I caught the baby. (The experience was way more intense and crazy then I need to write here). It looked just like they say - a baby. All 10 fingers and toes, ear buds forming, eyes rotated around, bright white fingernails. It was really quite amazing - and mortifying at the same time.

Saturday, August 13, I thought I was prolapsing. Completely freaking out in my head - didn't engage Jeff on my freaky ride. This experience was worse than delivering the baby. My mind was playing horrible, horrible tricks on me!

Monday, August 15, after seeing the doctor I finally had had enough and had a slight breakdown. I know I have fibroids. I know they grow in pregnancy. It's been 7 years since I really gave a shit about them. I discovered that my largest one is the size of a baseball and it's resting on my rectum. I discovered I had an ovarian cyst (probably a result of the pregnancy) the size of a plum resting on the fibroid on the rectum. My next biggest fibroid rests against my bladder. No wonder I thought I was prolapsing. All the shit is putting pressure on my vaginal canal. Good news - I'm not prolapsing!

So the "me journey" begins. I was told if I wanted to have any more babies I would have to have a myemectomy. Before I got pregnant I didn't think so much about a second child. Once we got pregnant - you get excited - and now I think I would like a second child. However, it will be a result of whatever God & the Universe thinks is true. If I can bring my body back to homeostasis through diet, yoga and just mindfulness - and am able to shrink and or eliminate the fibroids - we will try for a second child. I desperately do not want to be cut open. If I have to have a myemectomy to try for baby number two, baby number two will be a true blessing.

Now I recognize all the innuedos of my body that are a result of the fibroids. I want to eliminate them so I don't get constipated, so I don't have to pee ALL THE TIME, so I don't have back pain, so I don't have bloat, etc. etc. Most if not all of my discomfort that I've adapted to are a result of the fibroids. So today - although my story was not too brief - is when I start the mindful dietary changes and physical recognition of me coming back into balance.