Monday, August 29, 2011

Fibroid Journey Day 4 & 5

Saturday, Day 4, was Market day. I managed to pack myself in the wee dawn hour a raw walnut snack and some fruit to get me through my day. No more breakfast sandwiches from Fletchers Curbside Eatery ~ no more coffee either. When you're at a Market and there is an abundance of fresh produce raw food choices are not hard. It's a matter of what you want to pair together or not. I usually have my leatherman but seldom pack a kitchen knife. So tossing up a salad or breaking open a melon could be cumbersome. I opted for something simple. I got a nice sample serving of guacamole from The Flaming Avocado (best stinking guacamole ever) and sought out a nice medium size zucchini. Dean, the Market chef, was kind enough to slice it up and voila...I was a happy dipping queen.

Fast forward to the afternoon. I was tired. Been on my feet all day. Think I was feeling the after effects of hiking, rebounding & gastrointestinal junk that was still working itself out. My tailbone & hip flexors were screaming at me throughout the day. I laid down for an hour and rested. Got up took another shower for the day and proceeded to blend up a smoothie for the day. The family was headed to the Western Idaho Fair ~ and we know that Fair food is not raw-friendly food. I split my smoothie into (2) 16 oz servings and drank one on the way. Lots of walking around, lots of petting and talking to the animals, lots of fun and laughter as the kids explored all the rides they were qualified to ride. I ate an unbuttered piece of corn while everyone else feasted on gyros and butter delicious corn. Home about 11p and the rest of the smoothie down the trap. I failed earlier to get all my greens in for the day, I was hungry, so I opted to eat before bed. I fell asleep much sooner than I had anticipated. So - no tea for the night. I did try to drink the Gotu Kola/Holy Basil tea down (vericose veins, hemmerhoid, circulation) but Toni was right - it does not taste good. Next time I guess I'll plug my nose.

Sunday, Day 5, another Market day. This time East End Market at Bown Crossing. It's Sunday, I get to sleep in! With the ability to sleep in I had time this morning to prepare a smoothie before heading out for the day. I've been sticking to my base smoothie from Day 1 mostly to keep it simple and also because my fridge is packed with an abundance of other crap and I don't have much room. Early morning water drank, smoothie in hand and out the door I go. Good day in regards to feeling like the bloat is going away. About 9 pounds down from the last time I weighed with baby still in belly. Bought myself some triple olive spread from Urban Rustic Gourmet and sliced up some more zucchini as an accompaniment. Bought some kale and swiss chard. Lucky enough to receive in kind some gladiolas for the week, sweet corn and cucumbers. Again no coffee so I drank lots of lemon water compliments of Turk and Heather the Crepe car peeps. Home about 240p. Watched the end of a crazed wacked out movie with Nodzu. Took the dogs to the river to swim. Home around 530p and boogied our little booties to Periple Wines in Garden City where Boise Urban Market was being hosted. Great looking food. According to Jeff - great eats! He came stuffed...

I on the other hand was lucky to come upon Raw Cuisine Delights and indulged in a sort of cabbage salad with corn, cilantro & fresh lime squeeze with an apricot, date dessert that was made with a walnut crust. I bought myself some snacks to take home and try: Greens to Go (which most would probably not's VERY green tasting ~ trust me); Fire Fritters(?) spicy, sticky, gooey bar kind of concoction; Chili Nuts that included walnuts and almonds dehydrated with some chili spices, garlic powder, and Braggs amino acid; and then a little cookie treat,Pecan Wheels (?) that were kind of macaroon like. The little cookie delights were made with squash, coconut, agave nectar, vanilla. A super yummy and healthy cookie I'd be glad to pack in Te's lunch pack. A little Roobios tea downed for the night & more raw reading to conclude the night.

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