Friday, August 26, 2011

Fibroid Journey Day 2 & 3

My week went to shit quickly. Just a lot of work and not a lot of time to nurture myself. Your day takes on a different appearance when you have to mindfully care for yourself. I was able to get down to smoothies yesterday - 1 fruit smoothie compliments of Tree City since it was 4pm and I was still running pick ups and deliveries (a slight detour from my regimen since it had frozen yogurt). Minus 2 bites of sauerkraut & a pear it was all I had in my belly. Finally whipped up a veggie smoothie on my way to work at 9pm for another 3 hours with a handful of grapes. Managed to get my Rooibios tea down. Still need to mix up my Essiac to drink with my Red Clover before bed. Won't have time to make the Essiac tea until Saturday night since it's a process. I'll have to can it. Only a slight headache.

Day 3, today has been more manageable. Still crazy busy in the afternoon but was able to go for a morning hike & get my bimonthly massage. I had a massage last week too since I got all junked up. Junked up again this week in the shoulders - I told Shawna it all came about Wed when my week went to shit. In a couple weeks we'll work on my abdomen, etc. since everything should be purged & the hCG out of my body.

Drank one smoothie today that consisted of: 1 c plain goat kefir, 1 c OJ, 6 kale leaves, 1 c spinach, handful of parsley, 1 c strawberries, 1/2 c raspberries, 1/2 c blueberries, tsp of kelp and a tsp of brewers yeast. (not too shabby)

My late afternoon snack & again part of dinner included: 2 c of cherry tomatoes, basil, 1/8c of raw walnuts, sea salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp of kelp, 1/2 tsp of brewers yeast and a light drizzle of Extravanganzo Garlic infused Olive Oil.

Dinner included: tomato salad,a strawberry, blueberry & broccoli salad, and more sauerkraut. For some reason stinking sauerkraut is the bomb ditty bomb.

Managed to make it to the Co-op to pick up some Sun Warrior protein powder. All day I've had a stinkin' backache. We'll see if it resolves itself here soon when my bowels get back in order. I've been having movements daily but I seriously need to unload and my body just isn't there yet. Otherwise I feel pretty good. I was terribly tired on Thursday and a little tired today - which might be resolved once I get a full 8 hours without interruption...

I'll add photos once my computer cooperates.

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