Monday, August 29, 2011

Fibroid Journey Day 6

I will try to post daily from here forward to reduce the rambling. I need to think about a name other than Fibroid Journey - something witty and fun. Something along the lines of reclaiming back my uterus...

Today, Day 6, has been a relatively good day. Heavy on the print work schedule but I did manage to get my Roobios Tea down this morning along with some water. Blended up a smoothie before walking out the door to spend a few hours running the copier. Brought along my tasty snacks compliments of Raw Cuisine Delights (Chili Nuts & Pecan Wheels). Sustained me till dinner which was at 630p. Made spaghetti with meat sauce for the boys along with a spinach salad that included obviously spinach, feta cheese, strawberries, walnuts, and blueberries. I blended up a 16 oz smoothie to accompany my fresh picked tomato salad. Tonight's smoothie was stirred up with coconut milk & water along with some swiss chard to veer from the norm. My smoothie tonight definitely tasted more green than the others in the past - it was tolerable. That doesn't sound good, but it was, I've just mixed better in the past. Working a few more hours in the evening and more raw reading to conclude the night. Still need to mix up my Essiac Tea. Cross our fingers that happens tonight once I return home after a few more hours of printing.

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