Thursday, September 01, 2011


So much for posting daily. My life is too chaotic and random Internet connections make for empty promises. I will just refrain from treading that road. Posts will come when posts will come.

No caffeine. No flesh. No dairy. No grains. No sugar. Eight days in and we're rocking and rolling this raw thing. My days consist of smoothies and spontaneous salad combinations. If I can - I shoot to get all my different therapeutic herbal teas down. Two more weeks and I will have my special tincture to add to my arsenal. Fortunate for me I am not a big meat eater. I AM a big coffee drinker and am now realizing big cheese-eating-kefir-drinking-loving fool. Kefir is still permitted on occasion because of it's kickass probiotic qualities buut I have a slight ache for cheese in my salads. I love stinky cheeses. With eating more mindfully I am again reverting to actually chewing and enjoying each bite like food should be. And imagine how delicious a bit of stinky cheese would be...

Up until Day 6/7 my daily movements were averaging about 1x per day. I knew there would be a shift in my bowels I just imagined they would be far more looser (sorry! With the amount of greens and berries I eat every day you would think I'd be working from the porcelain chair. Not the case. Still not the case - but it appears yesterday was the day when my body finally decided to "let 'er rip." Yea I was a little gassy and was letting them go, funny thing is, they don't stink. So no silent creepers now. Just loud odorless ones instead! My body it appears is finally eliminating, almost everyone time I sit on the pot there is movement. The great thing is - I am not running to the restroom for fear I'll mess my pants. I'm just eliminating and detoxifying regularly like I should be as I work towards homeostasis. Finally got the Essiac tea brewed up and canned. We'll see how these detoxifying herbs affect my body next.

I feel really quite good. No bloat, no edge of dehydration because all I want to do is drink coffee as my drink of choice...In fact I think my sinuses are less congested. Now contemplating how I will feel in another 7 days - even more clean and more pure? I bet.

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