Monday, March 12, 2007


Last week we had a nice visit from Molly who came to town early to spend time with our family. Duana picked her up from the airport and we all hung out at the house. Te was able to hang out with two of his favorite buddies, Devin & Kobe, and it was the beginning of time well spent with good friends and family. As usual Molly and I managed to drink three bottles of wine and talk to the wee hours of the night. It was refreshing to have Molly time - I think something we really haven't had in a long time. When you add husbands, kids, etc. you usually have to wait until the wee hours to share intimate moments with great old friends.

Friday Jeff, Te & I embarked on a weekend getaway to Salt Lake in hopes of visiting with some of Jeff's family in town from San Diego. Of course we didn't leave as early as we would of liked to - which seems to be a normal occurence. We made it town about 515pm and managed to hang out at Auntie Mae's for just over an hour and half since it's hard to co-mingle with a two-year-old whose been pent up in a car all day, and expecting him to be on his best behavior. New environment, new things to check out and of course test boundaries and nerves. We decided after an hour plus of chasing Te around that we would venture over to Troy & Judy's so Te could hang out with the twins, Josh & Max, who are four. The downstairs of their house is in a nutshell - a mini toy story - at least for Te. We didn't hear a peep out of him for over three hours while we broke in the new WII competing against Josh in numerous games of bowling.

Saturday was filled with three photo shoots and a trip to the zoo. Our first photo shoot began around 11am at Memory Grove Park of cousin Alex, also four. Alex came with two friends so playtime was on. Te was very busy trying to keep up with the bigger kids - he climbed up these steps on the side of a hill at least three times, if not more. To say the least he was loving it. He was also loving wherever his momma was which made for some hard shooting. I had to tell Jeff to carry on with the Okawas when they went to have ice cream so that my two additional shoots would go smoother. I shot some pics of Ray & Diane (more cousins) who are due to be married in late August or early September - and then it was the Watanabe clan. After I was done taking photos of the Watanabes Te & Jeff showed up so Te again was in pursuit of the big kids. Together with the Watanabes and the Okawas we were off to the Hogle Zoo.

The Hogle Zoo was fun. We saw elephants, rhinos, giraffes, monkeys, gorillas, etc. Rode a train. Te I think was too exhausted from running around at the Park for two hours that he was content to ride in the wagon. Of course I strapped him and the intention was only temporary, but he didn't fight it so we just pulled him around.

It is amazing how fast Te grows, what he comprehends, what he speaks about, how he shows compassion. He is at an awesome age where one might wish to stop time - yet, you know there are more exciting and enlightening times ahead. I was thinking the other day about snuggling him and how I would only be able to snuggle him for a few more years. However, I pray he continues to let me snuggle him even as he gets to be a young man, etc. He's my baby. Yet - that might be wishful thinking. I know the addiction will run thin one day, I just pray every day that God will guide me and help Jeff and I to be great parents who have the ability to nurture and guide our child as he needs.

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