Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How Many Times?

I know for many raised in the Christian world that reincarnation does not happen. Yet to me it seems very real and possible - perhaps because of my many inquisitive meetings with clairvoyants and other seers and healers over the course of my lifetime. I think from a young age I've always sensed something beyond this dimension - how do you explain hearing your named constantly called in the wind every night, or while stepping of the back porch?! A simple explanation to some would be, it's all in your head - but is it really?
I believe in God and I also believe in reincarnation. I think when we come to this plane we come to grow in spirit - why would you not continue to return to further the growth of your spirit? I think to be lost and found once again - serving up new lessons in each lifetime, reconnecting you to home, to God - and expanding God's knowledge of himself. We are all a part of God - and as each of us grow in Spirit, thus God grows in Spirit.
Today I will share a little of my last psychic reading that I had today with a woman named Tonya Somers. It was conducted via the phone and she never asked any leading questions other than what my name was and when I was born. I had a list of about ten questions I wanted to address if we had time - one being whether or not my dad, Harry, my grandma, or anyone else for that matter on the other side had anything to share with me. Of course my dad came through loud and clear and wanted Tonya to let me know that yes "I can walk on water." With that said, he started to dance on the water. She described his personality clear as day, said he was somewhat of a jokster and smart ass/allecky kind of energy. I asked how many lifetimes we've shared because I know - I've seen it in my astrological chart - that we've shared many. 17 times was the confirmation and that we have willing gone back and forth between the parent and child role. My dad also said that he was ready - meaning ready to be our next child. Girl, boy he doesn't care - we've both been both sexes before so he's ready to come back and be my child - and I will know it's him because I will recognize his eyes. He also makes him self present to Te which I thought was very cool.
Beyond my daddy coming through to chat both of my grandmothers and my friend Harry came through as well. My lola, according to Tonya, was very funny - she is a very busy soul traveling the globe checking in on all her children and grandchildren. I told Tonya that her children have issues and she said she knows they all have issues and that she use to be a screamer. My Grandma Wilson came through and said she is with me, that whenever I smell flowers or scents that is her presence. Grandma wanted me to know that she loves my child, Te - which I thought was awesome. Harry said he appreciates me, that he wanted to know me (much like I wanted to know him too!), his legs are good he can walk now, is glad to have me in his life, and that he meant to show me good things about men. And we've supposedly shared 3 lives together.
I also asked about my relationship with my friend Julie, which I found out we've shared 42 lifetimes together. We've always, always wondered why her dog Roxy loves me so much - I think it boils down to Roxy knowing me 42 lifetimes as well. Her and Julie have shared every lifetime together. Jeff is a young soul, 25 lifetimes, and this is our first real life together - although I've had had close ties to his family lineage for over two hundred lifetimes. I have been a native american at least 23 times, and each of those manifestations I've been with Te - I am uncertain of our relationship I forgot to ask, but we were in the same tribe.
One important question I had was why I am so apprehensive about the spirit world, ie. seeing it, interacting with it - beyond prayer - and it's because I've been burnt and stoned at the stake when I manifested into the world as a white person. As a native american I was like a shaman of sorts and communicating with spirit was accepted.
So - come to find out - I was curious how many lives I've supposedly lived and the number is...500. I was like holy caca. Then I inquired how many lifetimes Te has lived...this is amazing...13000. 13000. I have also been told that Te had a vanishing twin - and one of Te's spiritual guides told Tonya her name and her name is Sassy. Sassy has spent many lifetimes with Te and chose this lifetime to be one of his guides, Sassy is Te's vanishing twin. I have also been told that my stepdad, Bebot, has been Te's dad in a previous life. In fact, he's been his dad twice - once in Pennsylvania and once in Thailand. I have four spirit guides: Charlotte, James, Buffalo Running, and Shitakoa. I asked a few more questions - and it's all been very enlightening. Now I think Jeff is intrigued.
I am not telling anyone to believe what I believe - that there is a thing such as reincarnation - I'm just saying follow the path that feels right to you and do not be afraid to explore who you are and what your role is in this manifestation. My challenge/lesson(s) for this lifetime include patience, manifesting my creative self, and owning and trusting my intuition. It's true, I've shifted and I am grateful for this added conscious awareness.

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