Monday, March 26, 2007

A Master in the Making

Kids in general are amazing. I often wonder where or how Te retains or knows the things he does. Yesterday we went to Opal's 4th birthday party and last night as we laid in bed we talked about the party. Te reminded me that there was a "horse cake." It took me a moment and then I confirmed that yes there was a horse cake - in fact it was a unicorn. As we spoke of the unicorn Te told me they could fly. Of course that made me wonder - how the heck does Te know unicorns can fly? As I discussed it with Jeff later, Jeff told me about how a couple days ago Te put two sticks on the ground - put his feet on them - and then said, ski. It proves they are WAY more in tune with their surroundings then we like to perhaps believe. Anymore if Jeff and I start to have a little arguement - the first response from Te is "stop." Such a keen soul.

However, no matter how brilliant they are - they still need to be directed. After the party yesterday Anna sent us home with a can filled with a little bouncy ball and a wiffle ball. Note to self and other parents alike, no wiffle balls until fingers are too fat or big to fit in the holes. A lesson well learned yesterday as Te managed to get his middle left finger stuck in a wiffle ball. I had to convince him to let me cut it 1/2 way off if he wanted a steamer. I told him he had to let me eliminate so of the ball so he could hold the cup. Te would of been content to keep it on his finger - when I intially tried to take it off he put his hand in his lap and told me, "it good momma, me lap." So the remaining part of the ball had to be removed as Te took a nap. A little one hour ordeal trying to be creative and think of "how the hell am I going to get the damn ball off the kids finger." Anyone who has ever had to contend with a two-year-old and their will knows it's not an easy task - and I still woke Te up in writhing pain as I tried cutting the remainder of the ball off. So remember, note to self, no wiffle balls.

Tonight we spent some time painting with tempura paints - so here's a glimpse of what we painted and more images are posted at

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