Saturday, March 31, 2007

Delayed Anticipation

We were suppose to leave for St. George, UT on Friday except Te came down with a cold and there's no way were leaving the vicinity until we know his breathing is in the clear. Last year during Spring Break we ran to the Oregon Coast with the Marleys and exasperated a cold Te had that landed us in the hospital. Granted we are running off to warmer weather - it just makes sense to stick put when your kid needs breathing treatments every few hours. Usually day 3 is the climax of most of his colds and then it's on the downhill slope. We anticipate departure on Monday. However, if we are unable to travel to St. George to drink in Zion National Park or St. George's 28th annual Art Festival - we'll live no different. In fact, if we stick close to home for a week it may potentially be more productive in regards to preparing for Spring, Market, and finding order in our lives after a year. I love to roadtrip and I love to leave the valley - however, sometimes the Universe tells you to just stay put - the lesson you need to learn is right in your backyard. We are fortunate that we see many sunny days - and if I check out the weather channel perhaps the valley has some awesome weather to behold. I am open to whatever falls into our lap.

Something sweet. Yesterday before going to the doc to check out this crap on Te's face - I had Te dressed with his jacket on and everything ready to go. He needed his nose cleaned since he had a bunch of dried boogs from his cold. Normally when I am trying to get Te to focus on what I am saying I take his sweet face in my hand and make him look at me while I address him. He told me he didn't want me to clean his face. He proceeded to place his two little hands on my cheeks and said to me, "momma look at me, look at me momma." I said yes. "Momma no clean face." It was truly one of those sweet and very very endearing moments.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today in yoga class as I lay during my last five minutes of meditation my mantra is I am an artist, I am me, It is my gift to share with others, To teach and empower by showcasing my vulnerability. As I think about my gift and what I have to give, Jenny the instructor reads a little ditty about Patience. The first sentence is what caught me. "Patience is the most powerful, yet difficult spiritual lesson." With that said, it directed me to reflect on what I learned from Tonya, my psychic consultant, about how my lesson in this lifetime is "patience." It was actually kind of a spiritual epiphany. Patience is tolerance. That's what I learned today. Now my lesson is to learn patience with myself and others. I need to remember how I treat Te and how I have an abundance of patience with him - and apply in my life to everyone and everything. Since my psychic reading I feel like I am flying - that the gates have swung wide open and I am being flooded with information that really truly sets me free. Freedom comes in the disguise of learning to actually love yourself - the elimination of ego.

And when we talk about ego - today I fell again in yoga class trying to do this insane pose -and it was noted that falling is wonderful cause at least I am pushing beyond my boundaries, extending myself beyond my ego. When I fall, I laugh...I learn and it's beautiful...I just pick myself up and keep on trying.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Giddy Anticipation

We are four days out until we runaway to the Southwest Corner of Utah - off to St. George, UT and Zion National Park. I am really excited for this experience - I have not had this kind of anticipation in a really long time. I feel it will be a truly nurturing experience for me and my family. I fortunately started working out again about a month and a half ago so I should be strong enough to pack Te around for 4 or 5 days as we explore the picturesque park. I have never been so I am anxiously exploring trails. My trail selection is limited however based on the fact that Jeff is not one for heights so we have to chose those within reason. I am sure we will encounter our challenges with Te being two and wanting to be on the ground - hopefully the movement and serene beauty of the landscape will keep him content and we'll definitely find those moments for him to stretch his legs. So - in a week I look forward to posting images of where we've been.

Monday, March 26, 2007

A Master in the Making

Kids in general are amazing. I often wonder where or how Te retains or knows the things he does. Yesterday we went to Opal's 4th birthday party and last night as we laid in bed we talked about the party. Te reminded me that there was a "horse cake." It took me a moment and then I confirmed that yes there was a horse cake - in fact it was a unicorn. As we spoke of the unicorn Te told me they could fly. Of course that made me wonder - how the heck does Te know unicorns can fly? As I discussed it with Jeff later, Jeff told me about how a couple days ago Te put two sticks on the ground - put his feet on them - and then said, ski. It proves they are WAY more in tune with their surroundings then we like to perhaps believe. Anymore if Jeff and I start to have a little arguement - the first response from Te is "stop." Such a keen soul.

However, no matter how brilliant they are - they still need to be directed. After the party yesterday Anna sent us home with a can filled with a little bouncy ball and a wiffle ball. Note to self and other parents alike, no wiffle balls until fingers are too fat or big to fit in the holes. A lesson well learned yesterday as Te managed to get his middle left finger stuck in a wiffle ball. I had to convince him to let me cut it 1/2 way off if he wanted a steamer. I told him he had to let me eliminate so of the ball so he could hold the cup. Te would of been content to keep it on his finger - when I intially tried to take it off he put his hand in his lap and told me, "it good momma, me lap." So the remaining part of the ball had to be removed as Te took a nap. A little one hour ordeal trying to be creative and think of "how the hell am I going to get the damn ball off the kids finger." Anyone who has ever had to contend with a two-year-old and their will knows it's not an easy task - and I still woke Te up in writhing pain as I tried cutting the remainder of the ball off. So remember, note to self, no wiffle balls.

Tonight we spent some time painting with tempura paints - so here's a glimpse of what we painted and more images are posted at

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Nice to meet you

So you wonder what kind of memory retention little people have - like what their first memory is - especially someone like me who frankly has forgotten many memories in my life that are played back to me by family and friends. Te was bitten by Stan on October 14, 2006. We don't talk about it alot - he knows Stan bit him. He tells you when you pull back his hair to apply vitamin E. The scars are clearing up nicely which is a relief to me, and probably an even bigger relief to Jeff. It was less than a month ago before the redness on the forehead scar started dissipating that Jeff wanted me to call the plastic surgeon. I have made a point to not make any kind of deal out of it cause I never want Te to have any hang ups. I am pretty certain he will not. That was five months ago.
Today - he kind of threw me off guard when he was done eating his dinner he clasped my hand in both of his little hands, started shaking it, and saying, "nice to meet you, nice to meet you." My dad taught him that little gesture - probably more then a year ago - and probably not much since he passed. It was very cool and at the same time very trippy. It just proves his memory retention goes back at least a year.
I know Te has a pretty sound memory - his retention level is phenomenal - his comprehension too. I love that little dude - he teaches me new things every day. Thank God for our blessings, no need to count them, because this whole experience called life is really all a blessing in disguise.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How Many Times?

I know for many raised in the Christian world that reincarnation does not happen. Yet to me it seems very real and possible - perhaps because of my many inquisitive meetings with clairvoyants and other seers and healers over the course of my lifetime. I think from a young age I've always sensed something beyond this dimension - how do you explain hearing your named constantly called in the wind every night, or while stepping of the back porch?! A simple explanation to some would be, it's all in your head - but is it really?
I believe in God and I also believe in reincarnation. I think when we come to this plane we come to grow in spirit - why would you not continue to return to further the growth of your spirit? I think to be lost and found once again - serving up new lessons in each lifetime, reconnecting you to home, to God - and expanding God's knowledge of himself. We are all a part of God - and as each of us grow in Spirit, thus God grows in Spirit.
Today I will share a little of my last psychic reading that I had today with a woman named Tonya Somers. It was conducted via the phone and she never asked any leading questions other than what my name was and when I was born. I had a list of about ten questions I wanted to address if we had time - one being whether or not my dad, Harry, my grandma, or anyone else for that matter on the other side had anything to share with me. Of course my dad came through loud and clear and wanted Tonya to let me know that yes "I can walk on water." With that said, he started to dance on the water. She described his personality clear as day, said he was somewhat of a jokster and smart ass/allecky kind of energy. I asked how many lifetimes we've shared because I know - I've seen it in my astrological chart - that we've shared many. 17 times was the confirmation and that we have willing gone back and forth between the parent and child role. My dad also said that he was ready - meaning ready to be our next child. Girl, boy he doesn't care - we've both been both sexes before so he's ready to come back and be my child - and I will know it's him because I will recognize his eyes. He also makes him self present to Te which I thought was very cool.
Beyond my daddy coming through to chat both of my grandmothers and my friend Harry came through as well. My lola, according to Tonya, was very funny - she is a very busy soul traveling the globe checking in on all her children and grandchildren. I told Tonya that her children have issues and she said she knows they all have issues and that she use to be a screamer. My Grandma Wilson came through and said she is with me, that whenever I smell flowers or scents that is her presence. Grandma wanted me to know that she loves my child, Te - which I thought was awesome. Harry said he appreciates me, that he wanted to know me (much like I wanted to know him too!), his legs are good he can walk now, is glad to have me in his life, and that he meant to show me good things about men. And we've supposedly shared 3 lives together.
I also asked about my relationship with my friend Julie, which I found out we've shared 42 lifetimes together. We've always, always wondered why her dog Roxy loves me so much - I think it boils down to Roxy knowing me 42 lifetimes as well. Her and Julie have shared every lifetime together. Jeff is a young soul, 25 lifetimes, and this is our first real life together - although I've had had close ties to his family lineage for over two hundred lifetimes. I have been a native american at least 23 times, and each of those manifestations I've been with Te - I am uncertain of our relationship I forgot to ask, but we were in the same tribe.
One important question I had was why I am so apprehensive about the spirit world, ie. seeing it, interacting with it - beyond prayer - and it's because I've been burnt and stoned at the stake when I manifested into the world as a white person. As a native american I was like a shaman of sorts and communicating with spirit was accepted.
So - come to find out - I was curious how many lives I've supposedly lived and the number is...500. I was like holy caca. Then I inquired how many lifetimes Te has lived...this is amazing...13000. 13000. I have also been told that Te had a vanishing twin - and one of Te's spiritual guides told Tonya her name and her name is Sassy. Sassy has spent many lifetimes with Te and chose this lifetime to be one of his guides, Sassy is Te's vanishing twin. I have also been told that my stepdad, Bebot, has been Te's dad in a previous life. In fact, he's been his dad twice - once in Pennsylvania and once in Thailand. I have four spirit guides: Charlotte, James, Buffalo Running, and Shitakoa. I asked a few more questions - and it's all been very enlightening. Now I think Jeff is intrigued.
I am not telling anyone to believe what I believe - that there is a thing such as reincarnation - I'm just saying follow the path that feels right to you and do not be afraid to explore who you are and what your role is in this manifestation. My challenge/lesson(s) for this lifetime include patience, manifesting my creative self, and owning and trusting my intuition. It's true, I've shifted and I am grateful for this added conscious awareness.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Something to make you smile

I was making dinner last Thursday night (3-8-07) to peer over and see Te filling his nose with almonds. It was a pretty classic scene - hopefully he won't make a habit of stuffing things up his nose. Although I do remember as a young child stuffing some crayons up my nose and thinking for awhile that the crayon is what made me have two nostrils - or cavities in a sense. I just don't want to be forced to dislodge anything other then boogers. Which speaking of boogers, Te thinks they're good. Smile.

March 10, 2007

This particular elephant was born in 1961.
Keeping up...
Yay, I found my momma!


Last week we had a nice visit from Molly who came to town early to spend time with our family. Duana picked her up from the airport and we all hung out at the house. Te was able to hang out with two of his favorite buddies, Devin & Kobe, and it was the beginning of time well spent with good friends and family. As usual Molly and I managed to drink three bottles of wine and talk to the wee hours of the night. It was refreshing to have Molly time - I think something we really haven't had in a long time. When you add husbands, kids, etc. you usually have to wait until the wee hours to share intimate moments with great old friends.

Friday Jeff, Te & I embarked on a weekend getaway to Salt Lake in hopes of visiting with some of Jeff's family in town from San Diego. Of course we didn't leave as early as we would of liked to - which seems to be a normal occurence. We made it town about 515pm and managed to hang out at Auntie Mae's for just over an hour and half since it's hard to co-mingle with a two-year-old whose been pent up in a car all day, and expecting him to be on his best behavior. New environment, new things to check out and of course test boundaries and nerves. We decided after an hour plus of chasing Te around that we would venture over to Troy & Judy's so Te could hang out with the twins, Josh & Max, who are four. The downstairs of their house is in a nutshell - a mini toy story - at least for Te. We didn't hear a peep out of him for over three hours while we broke in the new WII competing against Josh in numerous games of bowling.

Saturday was filled with three photo shoots and a trip to the zoo. Our first photo shoot began around 11am at Memory Grove Park of cousin Alex, also four. Alex came with two friends so playtime was on. Te was very busy trying to keep up with the bigger kids - he climbed up these steps on the side of a hill at least three times, if not more. To say the least he was loving it. He was also loving wherever his momma was which made for some hard shooting. I had to tell Jeff to carry on with the Okawas when they went to have ice cream so that my two additional shoots would go smoother. I shot some pics of Ray & Diane (more cousins) who are due to be married in late August or early September - and then it was the Watanabe clan. After I was done taking photos of the Watanabes Te & Jeff showed up so Te again was in pursuit of the big kids. Together with the Watanabes and the Okawas we were off to the Hogle Zoo.

The Hogle Zoo was fun. We saw elephants, rhinos, giraffes, monkeys, gorillas, etc. Rode a train. Te I think was too exhausted from running around at the Park for two hours that he was content to ride in the wagon. Of course I strapped him and the intention was only temporary, but he didn't fight it so we just pulled him around.

It is amazing how fast Te grows, what he comprehends, what he speaks about, how he shows compassion. He is at an awesome age where one might wish to stop time - yet, you know there are more exciting and enlightening times ahead. I was thinking the other day about snuggling him and how I would only be able to snuggle him for a few more years. However, I pray he continues to let me snuggle him even as he gets to be a young man, etc. He's my baby. Yet - that might be wishful thinking. I know the addiction will run thin one day, I just pray every day that God will guide me and help Jeff and I to be great parents who have the ability to nurture and guide our child as he needs.