Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh I knew it...

Tonight I went to a NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) get together and networked a bit...then went out and had a round table with the Tone crew and I knew that Jeff would be at his wits ends when I got home. So now I am home and Jeff is more then pissy. My dialogue on the way home was "let him be pissed off, don't buy into the emotion cause really you pressed his limits by exceeding your projected time by two hours." So - I came home he moaned at me I just let it go...he's in the studio and perhaps he'll forgive by the morning who knows.

I came to the realization that it is really about living in the moment. You can talk about it and try to live it, but really it's a hard thing to do. When you have expectations or fail to live in the moment what happens is you get disappointed or frustrated with a projected outcome. I told Jeff, "hey, I'll try to be home by 8ish." I should of never made the statement because what happened is Jeff expected me to be home by 8 and I failed to fulfill his expectation. Thus, I came home 2.5 hours later and he was pissed off cause he was expecting me at a certain time an I failed to meet his expectations.

This learning process is forever evolving. Had this been two years prior I would of maybe taken of the bait and bought into Jeff's emotions of anger of frustration...instead tonight...I knew I crossed the boundary and I was the one who had established the boundary. Had I said I didn't know when I was coming home perhaps the outcome would of been different, Jeff wouldn't of tried planning his night around my expected arrival.

This is a clean lesson of observation and understanding that you have to eliminate limitations.

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