Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I received an email today and I am posting the email and my response minus name.

Friend wrote:
So, I was shocked to see this link. I thought it worth passing on for others to at least view, ponder and research. That is what I am going to do for I know I have loved Opera and she does GREAT things and has given me great inspirations but it made me think about a wolf in disguise.....the last days how we are to be so easily persuade.....makes you realize you better have a foundation of beliefs so you can always check things back to it because some things will sound great but will not be based on what you know is your belief. Anyway, thought I would pass it along, watch the video and then do what your heart tells you.....I know I am going to spend some time with this, for the words from Oprah does not line up with my core beliefs and I found msyelf at the end of the video just saying out loud, Wow!.......I would love any of your input to me as well if you have time. I know it is hard for we get so busy in life........take care each of you!
Note: forwarded message attached.

Some of you may have already watched this clip, but I thought it was worth forwarding.

Be informed as you watch the clip below

This may be taken down soon. It was removed from another site probably with a threat of a lawsuit from Oprah for copyright abuse.


My response:
OK Ms. XXXX - you want my opinion - and here's what I think. I do believe there are numerous paths to God and that there is not one way. If there was only one way then all would believe that one way. I also believe that a lot of Jesus Christ's teachings get overlooked and that often those that practice faith do not really hear what is being said or illustrated through words. If everyone in this world could have "Christ-like" consciousness then the world would be successful at what is truly "love."

It is valid to want to encourage others to believe what one believes, but the ultimate lesson is learned when a person leads by example and follows what their belief system illustrates. I was raised Catholic - and I have always had issues with organized religions because I feel they create more segregation then integration. Granted there are things that happen in history and in the present day that I do not agree with - I continue to pray for understanding and forgiveness on all levels for all things (meaning not just humans, but other living organisms as well).

Also through diverse thinking of each of us it awakens each of our own consciousness to a higher level - we ultimately each want peace, love, understanding, and union with God, Allah, etc. and we learn through experience what we like and don't like. Religion has many good assets, and on the same level many poor assets. It is finding the right connection to God for you while learning to be all accepting, all loving, all everything WITHOUT attaching yourself or your belief system to any one thing. (If that's confusing give me some time to come up with the right words to illustrate what I mean.)

It is said we are made in the likeness of God and that each of us has God inside of us...so if we deny this part of ourselves does that mean we deny God?

Just something to think about - and glad you include me.

Many hugs my friend - I hope life is treating you fabulous.

So if any of you have an opinion forward it to me I would love to hear your take.


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