Tuesday, May 01, 2007

29 days and counting

We are 29 days away from departure to South Africa - talk about being nervous and excited. It's time to buckle down and start assembling all the items I need during travel. I have a friend who intends to host a party for me so that I can acquire my necessities that still need purchase - which is an awesome gesture. It frightens me in a sense knowing I will be away from my baby for 16 days - he will be a changed little dude - much like his momma when I return. Every day Te changes, he makes new discoveries, says new things, constantly evolving and absorbing his world around him. The boy is a chatterbox so I am sure I'll get an earful when I come home, I am hoping that when I call home from South Africa that he will be delighted to talk to me on the phone. The other day I was telling SVF Founder, Jeannine Smith, that this whole experience seems too surreal and that it will continue to be surreal even when I come back home. I still can't believe we're going to South Africa. I guess Africa was one continent I never really gave much thought too - until I met Jeannine - and then it was a matter of "who knows, if ever, maybe." Well it's none of those things, it's real, and I leave in 29 days. Thanking God every day for this wonderful opportunity to grow in spirit knowing when I return I will be different - always in a good way - and grateful that God made it happen for me.

Today a toast to my daddy - to teaching me about letting my soul sing and dance in this physical manifestation, that this reality is only temporary and that we are meant to make the most of living. It is a profound experience - an opportunity to grow in spirit - and every day grateful to be alive. Thank you daddy, Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Mangy Moose said...

So, so proud of you!!! What an opportunity!! I can't wait to read all about it when you return. Thanks for the kind words of inspiration on my blog. I appreciate it...I really do.