Thursday, May 10, 2007


19 more days and we'll be on a plane routed to Johannesburg, South Africa. Time moves so swiftly that what now feels like forever, will be here shortly. We'll be in South Africa for two weeks - and we have at this moment just over two weeks before departure. Oh how I will miss my boy. He changes and grows each day - and it will be enlightening to see his evolution upon my return. I am trying to prepare Jeff for my return home so to lighten the emotional load when I come home and decompress. Jeff of course had to remind me that I still have to contend with the attention of a two-year-old who will be over the top gleeful to see his momma. We'll see though - perhaps Te will have tons of question. He knows I am going to Africa to help kids and keeps asking and telling me he wants to help babies. In due time we will give him the opportunity to give back and at an early age learn the gift of giving. Right now he's sitting beside me watching Brother Bear and he is so endearing. The little habits, body language, everything that already defines who he is - my goal is to help him to develop into a strong spiritual individual who leads with his heart and through examples like South Africa can I teach my child about giving. So looking forward to this most blessed experience. May God watch over us and our families keeping us all safe while we help him spread his love.

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