Wednesday, May 23, 2007


My sweet friend Reham forwarded me this You Tube clip and it inspires me to want to hug everyone. What our world needs is more love and if I can be a vehicle for inspiring others to be led by their hearts then so I must follow my heart.

Also if you take the time to watch the entire video -remember what it feels like to be loved - to be embraced. The real ringer for me, and I really do not know if every child works like mine with a pure heart, but my kid is a hugger. He loves to hug his friends, often time surprising them from the rear and everyone topples over. My son loves to hug his friends so much that depending on the day sometimes he has to be disciplined from sharing his love so exuberantly. It can be overwhelming. I hope that Te and the people he surrounds himself will continue to hug the shit out of each other - with so much enthusiasm that everyone feels the love.

And to all the kind and generous souls that make my heart swell with love and gratitude for supporting me and our mission team in our pursuit to do good in Africa, thank you, thank you, thank you. Today I received yet another check and I am really overwhelmed with emotion - it makes my heart sing. It is truly fabulous!

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