Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sing-song Te

Earlier today Jeff calls me at Market to tell me that him and Te won't be coming down for the day since Te was not listening and did not want to get into the shower. Jeff sent Te to his room as consequence for not listening. Jeff called again about noonish and I was with customers and had to tell him I'd call him right back. When I called back Jeff had a sweet story to share. Jeff was out in the studio trimming pots while Te was inside playing in his room. Jeff had the monitor on therefore he could hear Te's world. Jeff had called to tell me and let me listen in on Te's world. He had heard Te singing a song that went something like this "I wanted to go to Market today, but I wouldn't take a shower. Rock down!"

And you see - whenever Te sings a song it is the "Rock down" song. "Rock down" are the only words he normally sings while banging his head of hair and kicking his feet - it was funny to hear the lyrics he had made up. Just goes to show the boy is growing up.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend ya'll! Remember to honor those who have so valiantly fought for our freedoms - cheers.

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