Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One Year

Today, Wednesday, about this time I was sitting in the Boise Airport anxiously awaiting our departure to South Africa. I remember the month leading up to my two week absence - it was crazy - much like this month has been in 2008.

In fact I think May for the past three years has been crazy.

In 2006 the first week of May was spent at St. Luke's pediatrics when Te had his first serious asthma attack. The second week of May 2006 my dad died. The third week of May 2006 we were at my dad's funeral. The fourth week of May 2006 I was at WestVet ER with my dying dog Max.

In 2007 I was just crazy busy with photo shoots and TomKat work. It never fails. I was so busy I had to write out my monthly bills on the first leg to San Francisco and find a mail drop in the SF Airport.

However, once we landed in South Africa on Friday June 1 all the craziness and worries of the world dissipitated. I came back a little different person - although - I may not readily admit it. It impacted me far greater then going to the Philippines and learning about my heritage. I can't explain it. I don't think anyone can truly know until they go home to where we originated from. It was a wonderful journey and I anticipate a few more jaunts to the southern hemisphere - but for now I am on a roller coaster ride right here in my own backyard.

It is fast becoming public knowledge that Tom my father-in-law is retiring. Together with Jeff we are going to continue the business with a clean slate as Mantis Print & Design Studio. Tom is retiring at the end of June and beginning July 1 we'll be setting sail. With Mantis taking flight we also have a few art shows lined up for ZuCru in July & Sept. Our little guy Te will begin preschool at Boise Cooperative in September so our summer I am sure will be whirlwind!

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