Saturday, March 01, 2008

Mercy Me...I can only imagine

Seldom do we realize the gifts that God has so graciously given us - often overlooked or forgotten - because the beauty that surrounds us becomes a part of the mundane reality that seems to blend in... that is until you take a moment to drink in the present and realize that it's a constant ever-flowing abundance of love and as they say,the cup oveflowith (if that's a word).

Tonight was the 3rd annual Small Village Dinner Auction. In preparation I made handcrafted roundevals for table decorations. To say slightly, they consumed my last two evenings, thus resulting in limited interaction with Te. There are those moments when I feel guilty for slacking, but remind myself it's only temporary. My creative process usually gets more efficient through the process (obviously) and had I figured out my approach or method more consistently prior to this morning - I might of been quicker and less neglectful. However, as Jeff pointed out - had I started my project prior to the other day I would of changed my mind at least a handful of times. Which is very very true! I managed to get the table decorated, made sure the DVD presentation worked and I was running out the door (still slightly stressed) to go shopping for a shirt for the evening with plans to make it back to the venue in less then an hour. Cruising on overdrive, as I walked out the door God so graciously presented a beautiful blue heron for me to enjoy, absorb, and take my breath away. You forget until you watch one take into flight - their true beauty. I spoke to myself and said watch it for a couple minutes - just drink it in - and I did. It was such a gracious gift. Then on my long trek to the parking lot - as I broke through the pathway entrance - lo and behold I was in the midst of 30 head of deer. A few were divided from the herd to the right of me - it was amazing to have them ALL staring at me with their perked up ears. I tried to convince them to just crossover my path, but they refused. It was just the gift I needed to bring me back to the present moment and be grateful for this wonderful place we call home, for this wonderful opportunity to grow in spirit and to quite frankly, just be alive.

That said, this evening was a spectacular event contrived of wonderful people coming together as a community to support those who so desperately need help. We are fortunate to live where we do where we take for granted our homes, our cars, clean water, street lights, etc.

It was a great day of reflection.

Tonight I added the song by Mercy Me, "I can only imagine." I heard it about two weeks ago driving around in Holy Hannah the Honda. The Honda is called Holy Hannah because the day we bought her all the radio stations she would pick up were Christian Rock. Nowadays I've managed to find NPR and the River at times, but if a song is on that's catchy and not too Goddy I listen. I do not mean to bash God, I am just not a religious person - I am a spiritual person but not a religious one. I do not need a church as my medium. But, I heard this song and not only could I imagine what it would be like to bask in God's glory, but to also bask in the glory of those who have gone before us - so with that said, listen with an open heart because I think that we can only imagine the beauty that awaits us in the next dimension.

Humility has a name, it's called you and it's called me. See yourself in each other and you will see with an open heart. Listen to the song, just see.


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