Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Since last Friday Boo has been sick. We went to the doc for his 3-yr. old well baby check and Dr. Beauchaine informed us that the flu vaccine wasn't a great match this year. We were set to depart to Seattle for the weekend on Thursday but had to postpone our travel arrangements when he woke up Thursday with a cough and a runny nose. Most know that Te has cold-induced asthma, so when we're fighting a cold it's a pretty intense and aggressive regimen to keep the attacks at bay. We do not enjoy hospital stays and now that he's older they would probably be far more grueling.

Anyways - I think the doc jinxed us. I was originally going to go to WA by myself; however, Te would not have it. I had been prepping him for a week for airport security since the last time was a living hell. If I had continued with my old behavior I would of just left since Jeff said, "you'll be able to get more done." While at work I rationalized and I know the intensity level of Te's care - for the sake of my son, and my own sanity I made the decision to stay home. Jeff was surprised. After our very very long weekend (more me, then Jeff) - Thank God I made the right choice.

Saturday night Te started coughing a lot before the doc house down the street closed at 8pm. Because I couldn't decipher the cough from the nasal drip or the cough that sometimes develops because of his asthma I took him in. It was a fight as usual, what's new with a persistent little one who is sick and doesn't want to take off his shirt for nobody. We discovered an ear infection in the left ear. A prescription for antibiotics at 9pm at night and we're out the door. Each day we're fighting fevers and potential asthma attack outbreaks. Te gets fed up - and now we have to add one more thing to the regimen.

Tuesday he's still not eating,and the fever isn't breaking much below 100 degrees with alternating Motrin & Tylenol every 3 to 4 hours. Frustration for me is setting in because all Te will do is whine and I am suppose to decipher his words that have suddenly escaped him. I make an appointment to go see his pediatrician again and we come home with the diagnosis that Boo has the flu.

Finally today, Wednesday, he eats, he drinks, he plays and has just a little whine with his cheese. The fever finally broke last night so now we can eliminate fever medicine. He is sometimes obliging with breathing treatments, sometimes not...but at least today I feel on the uphill swing - especially since I can go five hours between breathing treatments instead of 3-4. And the best thing of all - his lungs sound great. Maybe this weekend I will get to sleep through the night and actually feel like I can do something during the day -like vacuum the house. I usually submiss when Boo gets sick to snuggling on the couch, but the whining, it almost drives me batty!

And the pic - it was from November/December when he got his shaggalicious haircut the first time. It is a little blurry but there are images of me that I remember when I was about his age - and he does truly look like me. It depends on the day.

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