Thursday, September 13, 2007

Life rolling along

It's been ages since I've sat down to write. A lot has obviously happened in the last month. We were in and out of town the last six weeks so that would partially explain my writing absence. This summer has flown by with my trip to Africa and then these past six weeks of traveling to Sandpoint, Salt Lake, and Seattle. I am getting closer to formulating my thoughts about my Journey in June. I need to get my thank yous out to all the people who supported me in my project. I try to explain the experience but I really can't - the only way anyone will know what it's like is to travel there. So - in my attempt I am writing about what we did, including photos, and a couple stories written by our students. With a "thank you packet" perhaps I can illustrate the experience. Once I manage to get the thank you packet completed I will post a blog or a link from my developing web page.
Ironically a few weeks back I put the intention out there of "how can I go to Africa every year or every other year?" The Universe responded by introducing me to a few more people involved with organizations that travel to Africa and now I have to figure out how I can convince Jeff to allow me to continue this desirable pursuit.
So beyond Africa our summer has included spending Saturdays at the Market. We went to Sandpoint the 2nd weekend in August and had a little mini reunion among old friends. Merris had me rolling with laughter - I have not cried or laughed so hysterically where I couldn't breath in eons. The last weekend in August we spent in Salt Lake for Diane & Ray's wedding and a Nodzu family reunion. It was nice to actually see the WHOLE clan minus Uncle Tom (Guzman). Then this past weekend we were in Seattle for the BSU vs. UW game (which stunk) and we were able to share our time throughout the weekend with my mom & Beboot, niece, nephews, sisters, and brother-in-law. Te is now learning the families - names that is - before we went to Salt Lake I was rattling off all the names of the Nodzus and he told me to quit talking. There was like 50 of us. He's gotta learn the names, cause at Thanksgiving there is usually about 30 of us. The little people's names are easy to retain since that's the company he keeps - but when I showed him a picture of Tom and his siblings he referred to all of them as grandmas and papas. Go figure. More tomorrow.

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