Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Shots in the Arms

So the adventure began today as I sought a couple shots in the arms in anticipation of my travel to South Africa. After a half hour wait and another half hour dicussion of recommended vaccinations Nurse Patty finally filled me full of DTap, Hep A & B, and adult MMR booster. I will go back to Central District Health in a month and get my second shot of Hep A & B, typhoid pills, and a polio booster. I was originally not going to get typhoid; however, she said if I was an adventurous eater I might consider it. I am an adventurous eater so I have decided to opt in on the typhoid. I am not one for putting unnecessary substances into my body - yet at the same time - there is no need for me not too when I would much prefer not getting ill or unknowingly passing on something like Hep-A. Nurse Patty had some great suggestions for international travel and sent me home with a folder full of reading material. I had the pleasure of waiting in the lobby for an additional fifteen minutes to make sure I did not have any adverse reactions to the vaccinations. While passing time in the waiting room I was able to read an enlightening news article about AIDS in Newsweek that portayed the 25 years since it's discovery and a timeline of important points in AIDS history. Rather ironic I picked up a Newsweek article about AIDS when I will be traveling to a part of the globe where it has created a whole generation of orphaned children.

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