Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Life is such a hard thing to explain or wrap your mind around. I am always thinking about evolving and ascending - call me crazy - however, I do believe that it is possible. To be like a bodhisattva. One of my saying to Te on a regular basis is to "always remember where we come from and why you are here." I desperately want to keep the door open for him between the physical and spiritual worlds.
Yesterday I had a conversation with Auntie and was telling her about sustainable living. She said it's not a bad idea at this juncture in time - and then she seemed a little distressed. I kind of said huh, and she told me about reading this book called Jerusaleum, and how the end times are near. For many people the signs are probably apparent - I don't really know what the signs are since I don't read scripture and I seldom watch or see the news. All I know is when people talk about "end times" it can be a little scary and distressing. So this "end time" conversation was on my mind last night when I got home. Te must of picked up on how it made me a little uncomfortable because all night long he kept patting me on my chest and saying, "It's alright momma, it's alright."
I know it is alright and I also believe that the end of the world is not what many perceive. I believe the end of the world is the end of the old world and the old order, and we are entering into a new era of consciousness where life is driven by love and not fear. I believe many souls are coming to this earth to teach us that "Yes, we are in fact One. And aiding us in making a conscious shift towards Christ-like love." Our world is what we make it - and every day it ends for some and becomes something brilliant and new for others.
My persistence with trying to keep Te open to the spiritual realm may be working - especially after last nights "love-pats" and when we went to bed and he started talking about tiny ghosts. Although it makes me uncomfortable I really am OK with seeing spirits - especially if Te is talking to them and teaching us about a new way of seeing and believing.

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