Monday, December 04, 2006

Febrile Seizure

Today is suppose to be the last official day of my MBA study, however, instead of completing my project at this moment I am blogging instead. A lot has happened since my last note. It seems there are always new challenges stretching my faith and trust in the dynamic world we live in.
Te picked up a cold around the 10th of November that lingered for about ten days. We managed to manage the cold great and steered clear of the wheezes. Two days after the cold seemed clear out Te picked up a lovely belly bug which lasted for about a day and a half - in conjunction with getting the flu shot - so it could of all been relative. So for Thanksgiving we decided to stay home from Salt Lake - our friend Ryan sprang on that he wanted to rent our little house - so something that had not been a priority for a long time suddenly had to be done, and done quickly. Instead of having five days off from work - I worked almost every day through the holiday which took away from my study time in my original attempt to complete my class early. Who am I fooling? I always work best under the gun - the last minute gun. Anyways - Jeff spent most of his free time working on the house. Granted we all had a nice holiday it culminated in Te picking up yet another viral thing sometime during the week and having a febrile seizure Sunday (26) at about 840ish.
Talk about a surreal experience. Little buddy had been feverish all day and I was managing it with Tylenol - now I know the trick of alternating between Motrin and Tylenol every three hours - however, that does not reduce the possibilty of having a febrile seizure. Te was sitting next to me on the couch when he starting convulsing. Flipping scarier then shit...I knew what was happening or assumed I did, I've read about them. All my reading is not wasted time or energy. I picked him up held in on my side in my arms - told Jeff to call 911 and I was looking out the window to see if my neighbor Gus' lights were on. They were and I hussled out the door - he was actually outside taking out his garbage and I asked him if he could help me, he's a nurse anesthesis (?). We laid Te on his side in their living room and the paramedics were at the house about three minutes later. The seizure probably lasted about four minutes. Te and I rode the ambulance to the hospital. We could of probably managed without the ambulance ride - however, when you are riding unchartered territory - it just eliminates the undue additional stress. All in all, we learned that febrile seizures do not cause any harm, that he more then likely will not have another. His temperature was 105+ when we checked into the ER. It is not so much how high the temperature gets it is how fast it goes up or down. The least I can say is we have definitely had our fare share of growing experiences this year. As I complete this chapter of my life I see great things are knocking at our door.
We just bought another kiln and another potters wheel. Jeff has been a busy bee again which gets me excited. Now that I will be done with school when the little man goes to bed I myself will be able to go out into the studio and work a couple hours a night. It is going to be awesome to be able to let my creative juices flow and flourish.
Also - remember to root for those Boise State Broncos on New Years Day when we take on the Oklahoma Sooners! Jeff is going for the three day gala - I am flying the day of the game. Since Te gets asthmatic with colds and now has had a febrile seizure Grandpa Tom is a little leary staying home alone overnight with Te. Understandable - except when you're with the little guy all the time - the challenging times are mostly fast forgotten since he's so busy and such an enlightening experience.
GO BRONCOS! And the funny thing is - they're playing in Cardinal Stadium - sponsored by my soon to be alma mater, UoP.

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