Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What I Miss

Today is one of those days where I miss my grandma, where I miss my house I grew up in, where I miss peddling down the streets of Sandpoint to go to the Lake, where I miss the Lake, where I miss everything that represents what life was like 25 years ago. Life was good growing up on the corner of Cedar and Division in Sandpoint. It was modest, simple, and just plain great. No worries.

This is about the time the raspberries would be coming on in the garden, a little bit of lettuce to make sugar lettuce rolls...playing outside all day...and sneaking away to the Lake to get a bit refreshed.

I know that Sandpoint has changed a lot in 25 years - I've experienced it - and I know how much different life is like now verse then. You just can't compare summer days on the Lake. When your parents tell you about what they use to do and reminisce about their good times - I am to the point now where I can totally relate.

The 4th of July in Sandpoint was always a celebration of fun and family. Often times everyone would come home for a mini reunion. My two sisters, myself, and my cousin Anji would always get dressed up by our Aunt Terry and entered into the Children's Parade...in fact one year we won second place. (Our theme that year was Little Red Riding Hood.) Te is 17 months - and even though I know he would enjoy some of the 4th of July - we're waiting till next year when we know he'll enjoy all of the 4th of July - from the early morning parade straight through to the early evening fireworks.

This year while I remember what the 4th of July was like when I was nine - I am suppose to be writing a paper for my Marketing class. I keep telling myself I am almost there. That's one thing I won't miss, school - and those early morning swimming lessons at 730am in Lake Pend Oreille! Brrrr Grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, chica - edit your blog & change the spelling of 'peddling' to 'pedaling' please. I got this image of you peddling your wares up and down Cedar Street and while it's cute, I know it's not what you meant. ;)

U know - it'd be so cool if u, Jeff, & Te were here for next 4th since it will be in the middle of the week. Either take a long weekend before or after it...probably after would be better, but we can all be at the lake, even Melinda & her growing family. It'll rule!! Te & Joshua will have so much fun. We'll have a motorized boat or two, the smaller watercrafts, kayaks, and the good ol canoe. And the fireworks that everyone around the lake does makes for an awesome show.