Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Gods are Talking...

I have this bad habit of drinking expensive coffee. I keep telling myself I need to quit to support my new glass passion. Yesterday I went to my regular coffee stand, Executive Coffee, and waited in line for more then ten minutes with only one car in front of me. Who knows what they ordered. I was already late for work - so I could wait no longer - and decided to hit my old coffee house on Vista, Moxie Java. I got out of the car and rambled inside to again be detoured by more then a ten minute wait. This time the two people in front of me ordered 16 coffees to go! I should of walked out after my second eternal wait -but persisted - and was rewarded with a free coffee and free breakfast burrito due to a shift change. Later in the day, about 330pm, I decided I needed yet another coffee. The Gods were seriously trying to detour me for sure - since I ran into a parked car, my brother-in-law's that is. Fortunate for me I didn't damage my truck, and his car was already beat up from a previous accident. All the same - my lack of paying attention and my coffee fixation resulted in carelessness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah - they're trying to tell you to keep it simple. ;) Coffee bolstered by not much else than cream & sugar has been just fine for working Americans for decades upon decades. OR just get your own machine to have at the shop, buy your own grounds and syrup, and be your own barista, baby!!