Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Te-tur Tot gets a Taste of the Fountain

Boy they grow like weeds! Te is going to be 18 months on Saturday - it's hard to believe my baby is already so big, even though he is still so small. Last year at this time we could take the little mister to the Market every Saturday and he would sit in the pack-n-play or sit in the Baby Bjorn and quietly watch the stream of people passing by. Nowadays, Te and Jeff arrive at Market every Saturday around noonish. There is NO way Te would sit for five hours - he would scream and insist to let him roam, to investigate his surroundings, and to make new friends. Plus - now that he's discovered the fountain - good luck keeping him out of it! This is actually the first time I've caught him lapping up the sprinkling water - and this past weekend was the first time he actually ran through the fountain. Normally he stands on the edge running around in a circle, drinking water off the ground, and letting only his hands get wet.

The little people amaze me with what they absorb. Te knows many things beyond what we think he knows. Lately I have been teaching him how to show us he is "one" and he does it, just not on command. I also taught him how to say "peace" , next thing is to show him how to sign it. His parting words will be "peace" when he leaves his friends :).

He identifies with many things - I would imagine his vocabulary knowledge is close to a 100 words - just because he seems to know a lot. He knows his body, he knows his animals beyond just cat and dog , he knows his shoes, he knows "ow" - he can pick out toys you ask him to retrieve, he knows his vitamins, to brush his teeth - and even floss, he knows bath, he knows outside, he knows ride. Which when Te wants a ride - it's usually a ride on a hand truck around the print shop or through the back yard. He just knows more then I can imagine. I am excited to one day hear his sentences flow freely, even though I really enjoy where he's at right now and would be glad to stop time. I am excited to see how he will continue to teach me and how he helps my heart to open up and love. He is a beautiful thing - and I am truly blessed.

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