Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Estate Frustrations

Yesterday was a buggy day. 95% my fault for being a dumbass. Yesterday I was looking at my dad's checking account online and discovered that yet again another $777 was automatically being extracted from his account. This is the third unauthorized transaction to occur in the last month which has cost me almost $2000. $2000 I don't have since Jeff is a part-timer and since we decided to live in dad's house and increase our money going out by three times what we bring in. When our house sells the slate will be clean it is just until we sell our house - which is another story.

Anyhow - upon my discovery I paniced and raced to the bank to only be transfered and put on hold about six different times within forty minutes with the assistance of a banking associate. Through both our frustration we put our agony to a temporary halt and I went back to work to try and resolve the issue on my own. Filing a claim. My sole attempt was ixnayed within five minutes. I was told by customer service that they could not help me and that I had to physically go into the branch who had my power of attorney paperwork on file. I just came from there!

What is boils down to is the gentleman, Brian, who initially helped us on the 18th of May to close some of dad's accounts, stop the ACH, and file a claim for the first initial $777 that came out on the 17th - didn't do what he said he did. The thing that stinks when people die intestate is that it sometimes causes a HUGE headache - sometimes not. The only reason I have left dad's account open is because his mortgage payment automatically gets deducted from his account every two weeks. I should of called the mortgage lender and told them to take it out of a different account and closed dad's orginal account to eliminate my unforseen headache.

Lesson One: Try not to die intestate.
Lesson Two: Keep accurate records for kin and even though ACH is convenient, don't do it, it's a headache for kin.
Lesson Three: Kin should always think and act consciously even in times of stress and hardship to eliminate unnecessary headaches.

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