Thursday, June 15, 2006


I must be on the cusp of enlightenment. Lately my mind just reels with ideas to create - crossing all medium boundaries. The glass class really ignited my creative fire. Last night I almost completed my octupus painting for Saturday's Market, and I managed to assemble five different wedding invitation samples for my friend Molly.

This wedding invitation is a problem. A problem because I have a zillion ideas and should only send Molly the five samples I have finished - except, I have like twenty more I want to make. After this...I'll just put them all into an online portfolio and start selling custom wedding invitations.

I believe EVERYTHING is about timing. Had Te not spent five days in the hospital, if my dad had not died three days after Te came home...I would still be living in the mucky muck of grump. I turn into mucky muck grump when I go to school, work full-time, run our small art business, and try to be a wife, momma, and sane. What happened was I was forced to take an incomplete on my last class, then my next professor failed to show up for my direted study. (That shit happens online...they seem less accountable.) Since my prof didn't show I have been on a six week break from school and this last week has been a HUGE shift in my consciousness. Thank God. All my creative juices that fled me like a year ago - are bombarding me now.

I am ready to incorporate.

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