Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Classic Calvin

Sweet shot eh?

Te in Studio

June 1 was Te's first official turn in the potter's studio. Jeff thinks I need to practice turning more since I always have these brilliant ideas I want him to manifest - but he would prefer to manifest his own ideas. As I practiced turning a couple bowls Jeff officially introduced Te to clay. Yeah - Te already knows clay - he goes into the studio whenever he can to kipe slip chips (as I call them) from the recycle clay can so he can crumble 'em. And yes - Te plays with Play-Doh - playing with clay however is taking it to the next level. Te & Jeff rolled out slabs and cookie cut their little hearts out for well over two hours. Te would ball up all his clay leftover from cutting out shapes - run over to the slab roller - place his clay between the canvas sheets - and say "my turn." It's kind of fun to work the slab roller when you're 3. It's like driving a big steering wheel. Eventually Te started taking his completed pieces and throwing them on the bat on another table. He was becoming quite proficient in the studio. We'll use the little cookie cutter dinos, animals, and cars for glaze testing - put them on a string and hang them in Te's room. It was a rather fun Sunday evening. And I still have an idea I need to create which I was just reminded of as I post. Hmm. I started it that evening - then crushed it to start new. The facial expressions of Jeff & Te are pretty classic in the quick photo op I did. Enjoy. Life is good no matter where I stand.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Ugh, ugh, ugh. That's about ALL I can say. Life too chaotic and overwhelming - wishing I had more family close by. Not necessarily wanting, but needing a temporary home for Te so I don't feel like I am neglecting him. Although - Thank God for Te as usual since he is so grounding.

Today we went to Kevin & Amber's for brunch. It was such a great get together with friends we hadn't see in awhile. We were driving into town and I "shared" a song and Te's response with Jeff in the car. Jack Johnson on the Curious George CD has a song called "Share." Te honestly dislikes the song very adamantly. I always try to play it and he always insists I turn it off. Anyways - today I played it so Jeff could bear witness to Te's distaste. It was too funny. I think we need to record it and send it in to "America's Funniest Home Videos. " Honestly. When the words started flowing and we heard "share" Te emphatically said, "no." Then Jack goes on to say "when you have three, share one with your friend and me." Te, "NO guy I don't want to share." I can't count how many "nos" we heard but eventually he plugged his ears. It's pretty hilarious.

On with life - we're in the midst of moving shop and it is a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS! We all knew it would be a pain in the ass - thirteen years of NEVER GETTING ORGANIZED. Ugh. Fucking ugh to be frank. We got some envelopes and paper temporarily moved to the new space which will need to be sorted and thoroughly categorized and moved on to garage. Wednesday they come to move the press, cutter, folder, etc. It would be better if they just moved the shit on Friday but we'll have to suffer through the distress.

It's probably a good thing I went to Rhode Island - I might be more sour. I knew this was coming, I knew it would be overwhelming, I knew it would suck...but I also thought I would have until the end of July.

Life is good - really - just having a moment.

Friday, June 13, 2008

To Be an Entreprenuer

It's funny - when I was in high school (prior to grandma dying) I remember quite vividly my aspirations. I knew one day I wanted to own my own business. I also knew that I did not want to get married before I was 28. I also think that I didn't want to be in any long-term relationship before I was 28, but we all know that didn't happen...back to the business owner business. It seems after my grandma died a lot of my aspirations kind of slipped away - albeit momentarily - or farther down the timeline. Now I am confronted with this wonderful opportunity of owning and operating a successful business.

In 2004, together with Jeff and his two cousins Karen & Mary we began ZuCru Creations. It is slowly and gradually collecting a following. We started it while I was in the midst of completing my MBA and becoming a first time mommy. Nothing in my life is ever truly planned or calculated - often times I wing it. And that's what works for me - order in complete chaos.

Now, Tom, my father-in-law is retiring at the end of this month. We will be expiring TomKat Printing which has seen its fair share of ups and downs and open a new door as Mantis Print & Design Studio. Together Tom & TomKat Printing will close the latest chapter together, while me & Jeff will begin a new chapter with Mantis Print & Design Studio. We will continue to service our client base inherited from TomKat Printing, reduce our footprint, customize our customer service and really develop an organization that reflects and inhabits both mine & Jeff's creative nature.

I am grateful for Tom and TomKat Printing - for what it has afforded us. I see the vivid potential of the future of what we are creating together. Jeff will tell you though - Mantis is is my desire. An exciting new feature we'll bring to Mantis is handmade Japanese paper. We'll be the only retailer in Idaho and within probably a 350/400 mile radius of surrounding states. I am creating my niche. In the next two weeks I'll get tutored on the two-color 1650 Multigraphic by Jon. I am excited to actually own and operate a press.

Before at TomKat - although it was family owned and operated - I still did not feel I personally had ownership. There were so many things I wanted to implement and change that I would suggest - which often fell on deaf ears. Now it's me implementing and making change. It's all me with the support of Jeff and Tom and my family and friends. It's going to be a great ride.

And a warning - everybody "hang on" cause as usual I'm doing it in the fashion I do best - I am winging it - and there is order, more order then I have ever had in my life.

PS. I apologize for the jumping around - it seems my thoughts aren't completely fluid today. Peace.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Life Too Short

Today I learned of the sad news that Jenny Jacobson Meyer passed away yesterday. I will miss her inspiring words as will many, and pray for strength, comfort, and peace for her husband Jeff and her young daughter Grace and all of her family and friends. A truly remarkable person who lived with such humility. To read the words of Jenny go to

Hold those you love close and dear - and remember to truly embrace life.