Tuesday, November 04, 2008

44th President

As I write this post Barack Obama has been declared the 44th President. He currently has 338 electoral votes to McCain's 129. He has 51% of the popular vote. I pray that God will guide him wisely, justly, and lovingly. May God protect Obama and his family and keep him from harms way. During this time may God protect and love us all kindly as we transition into a new era in the United States of America. No matter what people have been saying or thinking on both sides of the line - nothing could be worse then what we've endured for the past few years. If the Republican party had confidence in McCain's VP selection this would be an entirely different election.

May this be the stepping stone where the boundaries of creed and color truly begin to disintegrate - that tolerance and acceptance become real not talked about - where we look into a strangers eyes and see ourselves. May this be the beginning of true Christ-like consciousness where we truly love without judgement.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amen sistah :)

im home on the 17th.
can i see you asap?


ps: BIG plans to tell you about.