Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesdays with Te

So I have started working from home on Wednesdays - although the work normally doesn't start until after dark. I spend the majority of my day hanging and playing with Te. Yesterday was Duana's birthday and since last weekend the boys (Te, Kobe & Devin) have been wanting to see each other. They are so classic. When I call Duana of course I have to speak to both Kobe & Devin since Kobe normally picks up. From there the conversation goes on to "I want to talk to Te." So yes, it's pretty sweet to hear the one-sided conversation between friends. So yesterday good friends gotta share most of their day together.
Te and I started our day taking Stan on a hike near Dry Creek Cemetery. Both Te & Stan had their first snake encounter. A little bull snake on the trail on our way down the hill. Te was definitely more curious then Stan. When Stan went to sniff the snake of course the snake reared up and started flashing his tongue. He ran and hid behind me and Te while cautiously peering out between our knees. Te on the other-hand was completely enthralled in the snake and we stood on the trail and watched the snake until he slithered off up the hill.
After the hike we dropped Stan off and proceeded to Duana's. From there the boys just played and played. No naps mind you. They even did well at the gym where Duana teaches a BodyPump class - and all she asked of her close friend, husband, and mom was to double her numbers on her birthday. So we did. After working out we were crazy enough to take 3 young boys to the restaurant to eat (Chuckarama). By this time I think they had to be close to delirious having had no naps. I must say they actually did quite well. We sat in a corner booth and locked them in from both sides. Sporadically under the table, in the window... Anyways the night ended with the boys wrestling. As we were walking out of the restaurant Devin fell down and Te immediately jumped on top of him. That was quickly corrected as we walked out. Then as we all parted our ways the boys ran a few laps on the grass and dog-piled on another. It is such a great feeling to see how much they love each other from an early age.

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