Saturday, July 14, 2007

Wow! A Title!

This week Te & I have had our fair share of quality time and I think it's reflecting in his responsive behavior. If I could stay home with my sweet man I would - every day - cause they grow super fast. Fortunate for him & daddy they get to spend their days together. However, this week I took Wednesday off since I was terribly sour on Monday & Tuesday and it helped my attitude a bit. All in all - we've had four activities outside of the house and without daddy where Te has had a fantastic time - a party, the river, the new park with water features, a play date with cousins. It's been more then good. As a result I think I was blessed today with his immediate responses to my commands or warnings which does not normally happen. Yes, I try to make him listen to me - but my boundaries are not as inhibiting as Jeff's - and I do try to let him just be. However, there are those moments in time where I just need him to listen to make my life easier. Since I've come home from Africa I have been way more consistent with shortening my boundaries a bit so that in the long term I don't drive myself insane due to me falling short in the early years. And I was blessed with progress today.

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