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I think this a sweet image of BW - our rescue kitty I found in our neighbors' outdoor shed next to our fence when he was just weeks old. He had two brothers and a young momma who had been abandoned a year earlier. I managed to give one of his brothers away (Yoda) and his other brother MJ died when he got into some anti-freeze when we were trying to catch them. We had to employ a cat-trap to capture BW; he is a rather keen cat. Momma kitty was friendly so we were able to catch her with ease - and get her fixed - no more reproducing and our back neighbors took her in and plumped her up. BW has always been half-wild. For a time he use to play with ole Maxey Boy before Stan the Man came along. Once Stan came along as a pup BW quit playing with Max. However, in our new digs and over the course of the past couple months - Stan & BW have become the best of friends. They play together, sleep together, and sun themselves on the deck together. It is very cool to see the bond they share. Before moving to dad's house BW would be on the prowl and you wouldn't see him except maybe once a month - either it comes with age - or it's the new place but nowadays he's always staring in at us through the glass door. He likes attention now - and willingly let's Jeff handle him. He's a beautiful kitty - and the kind I like - needs limited attention and lives outside.
This is most of our team - we're missing two people from Arizona, one at college at UPS, and one from Wyoming. We embark to South Africa May 30, 2007. 35 days and counting. We were all a little giddy with excitement at our last meeting - it is a very exciting time in all our lives.
Saturday was the first day of the 2007 Market Season - more vendors and more patrons - everyone excited for Spring. It was a beautiful sunshiny day with a few bursts of wind that saw some photograph panels, wood furniture, and a canopy taking flight. Every week is a learning experience of how to keep your stuff secure - I've learned you just don't put up your walls and if the wind is blowing you put everything down low. If it's raining you try to move as much of your stuff inside of the canopy drips and be sure you bring your plastic totes to keep all goods dry.I'll admit - my last two weeks have been a little over the top in preparation of Market. I am busy at TomKat designing and printing art and print paraphernalia for other fellow vendors along with all our other business, staying up late making inventory for Market, scheduling photo shoots, and attending emergency meetings - while at the same time making time for Te and picking up around the house. Yesterday and today it's like my body is saying "we need rest!" I feel more tired then usual - I don't normally work on 5 hours a sleep - I need 9. So tonight I anticipate watching Heroes (yay!) and going to bed early. We will be attending the Nihon Matsuri in Salt Lake City for the 3rd year - so after tonight the rest of the week will again be dedicated to late nights. May proves to be a busy month ahead. Lots of photography shoots and preparing for South Africa.Mr. Te is amazing as usual. Very busy little dude. We've had some battle of the wills, typical two-year-old behavior challenging his boundaries. I am not one for swatting him on the rear, yet at times that has been the most effective. However, I have been trying a new method that involves consequences - timeouts work sometimes, swats on the bum work sometime....however, telling him that if he continues to do something he's been asked to stop will result in "x" - it always results in a postive response. For example, yesterday we went to a birthday party and one of the rules is no one plays on the top bunk bed. Te wanted to climb the ladder and I told him, "If you climb that ladder we're going home." Te did not climb the ladder.Yesterday in route to the birthday party Te informed us his best friend is Coho. Our orange male tabby cat. It was pretty sweet. What the kid knows, what he comprehends it is all so amazing. He's smart as a whip and the memory he has is phenomenal. I just Thank God for our gift.
They always say children grow like weeds. It is always overwhelming how quickly Te changes. He is such a beautiful and amazing little dude. Last Friday we picked up his bed and he slept well on Saturday night. Momma on the other hand cried. Sunday he woke up about four times, inquiring, "mom? mom?" - eventually I put him in his bed beside ours about 4am. Two more nights he slept in his bed - then the other night I asked if he was going to be a big boy and sleep in his bed while momma went to sleep in her bed. Te said, me sleep momma bed. I may of not been so lenient except I was tired and I knew one way or the other I was going to have to lay down with him to help him go to sleep. So - he is again sleeping in the bed beside ours. I don't mind - and I know eventually I do have to let him move on into his room across the hall and be persistent about it, yet I am not anxious. I find it quite comforting listening to him sleep - although I have been told I will find great pleasure in redeeming my bed & bedroom back. In due time.
Since Te's bed has come into the house the cats seem to hang around in his bedroom more then before. In fact the first night, both Coho & Spike, slept at the foot of Te's bed. The other day Te went into his bedroom and Jeff called me to tell me that Te found Spike on his bed and told him as Spike got up to leave, "get out, get out, get out of my business." The things they pick up.
Everyday Te amazes me - so desperately trying to keep the memories fresh.
Today as we left Auntie's I asked Te if he wanted to go home or go for a hike. He answered by saying, "the river." So we went for a little walk along the Boise River banks off Parkcenter and across from Warm Springs Golf Course. Te ran down the Greenbelt across the bridge and down the dirt path. We threw rocks in the river, got our feet wet. It was a beautiful day.