Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Te is 2!

WOWZA! How time flies and the sweet babe grows older. Te still fascinates me, I think every parent elated with their child will tell you they are fascinating - whether they are two or twenty-two. I hope that my elation with my son today only grows stronger as he ages and that as a parent I will have the ability to continue to have patience, understanding, forgiveness, and a pure heart to not place limitations or judgements on my love for my child. I know from my own experiences as a child what that means - and unfortunately there are children and adults who have experienced conditional love. The love I received as a child and continue to receive as an adult is unconditional - however, I know how children's actions can sometimes warrant unpleasant reactions. So for me it is important to always walk with an empathetic heart, listen, and be grateful for being blessed with a child. On Sunday we celebrated Te's birthday a day early and his two friends Kobe & Devin Morales came to party, along with Duana, grandpa Tom, Uncle Jon, cousin Robert, Auntie Gramm & Pop-Pop Steve. We celebrated with dessert before dinner, and a lovely rendition of Happy Birthday. I think Te must of been embarrassed since once we all started singing he began to hit himself in the face and bury his face into the table. He was on the verge of crying so I think he was not particularly fond of our singing. Te received a special gift from Tom, Jon & Jeff - Jon & Jeff's 35+ year old Wonder Horse with new springs and new wood. I k new the instant it was brought into the house it would warrant crying words of "mine, mine" and the inability to share - which it did. However, Kobe & Devin did manage a little riding time. All in all it was a nice and quiet low-key celebration. As he ages I am sure they will become more rambunctious and interesting. For now - thanking God for Te, family, friends and shared memories.

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