Thursday, September 21, 2006


I am starting to feel my heart opening - it tingles - it is very liberating and I am thankful for that. All the junk we chose to pack close to our heart, constricting it and not allowing our hearts to give love. People talk about love, but do they really mean love. This is a wonderful ride I am on now - realizing by loving it enables you to let go - in every sense - be it one's spirit dancing to stares - who cares. Grounded in spirit.

I am feeling pretty great right now. I was just settling in to figuring out how I want this year's Market calendar to look and as always when I get a chance to be creative my brain goes on overload with ideas. I decided in my obnoxious brainstorm that as soon as school ends and the Market ceases for four months - I will sit down and write a grant. A grant to fund my documentary series on the lives of the producers - farmers, artisans, etc. Bringing the identity home - creating awareness and appreciation , memories. Still images. I am in a unique position since I have been a part of the Market family for three years, I know a lot of the vendors, am quite sociable if I say so myself, flexible. Intuitively this is what I hear myself saying I need to do, I will do, and it will be recognized. Not so much recognition for me - but recogntion of how important it is to sustain what we have, nurture it and help it grow. If we let a few do a job for millions, eventually the few die off and so do the millions.

It is something I can pay myself to do so that I can take time away from the printshop to work on the project with Te in tow - a friend in tow - who knows. Opening people's heart. It might be a one year project - or a forever project - which is beautiful by me.

Following the ebbs and flows of the producers.

Heart song. Heart opening, heart growing, heart singing. Bringing it home.

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