Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ramadan Day Two / Willie Nelson

My intention is to create new habits and routines. I felt well most of the day until mid-afternoon when I literally felt parched and needed to drink water. I am pretty sure that I am somewhat dehydrated. When I go on my coffee binges I have a tendency to drink too much coffee and not enough anything else. Again, I had grace - cause a sister needs water. My mouth did not salivate when I thought of water - my mouth was sticking to itself I needed water.

I noticed there were intermittent times throughout the day when I would hear and feel my stomach grumbling and I would get a case of non-stop yawns. I would start to feel really tired and then I pushed through and the hunger was gone.

Friday nights I normally do not plan anything for myself as Market is extremely bright and early on Saturday. However, I was lucky enough to have my friend Tiffany share a free ticket to Willie Nelson and I broke from my usual routine to stay home. I am happy that I did as I shared great times with friends and great music. Tiffany and Sarah will bear witness my anticipation of the setting sun. I was hungry when Tiffany came back with her BBQ cheese nachos. Obviously my hungry mind made them out to look delicious.

One thing that is forbidden is pork. I did try to be mindful with my food choices - but even the pizza had sausage. My only protein food choice had everything to do with pig. The sun was setting. I was hungry. Sorry, pig it is.  I ate BBQ nachos. Again grace - as I am not a true Muslim. I am being mindful of what my body needs at that moment and allowing myself to make reasonable choices.

Ramadan Day I / Whoops! It started when?

Truth be told Day 1 was not perfect. It's probably related to me being one day behind all week and believing it started Thursday at sunset. I received a "How's your fast going?" mid-afternoon text and was brought to my present moment with my hand (and chip) dipped in some corn salsa. Multiple texts ensued. I was assured God was probably not going to smite me. I started immediately and excused my morning breakfast of PB toast, a cardamon latte and my salsa snack and put it all on my grace plate.

A couple hours later I learned how mindlessly I've been eating recently (even the good stuff). A piece of onion green that had torn away from it's parent plant was randomly hanging out on the farm table I was helping to manage. I carelessly took said green and immediately started munching on it. And then it clicked - stink - I can't eat!

The rest of the day I managed fairly alright. I did have a conversation with myself about going to bed for a couple hours till sunset so it would make the time go quicker.  A few of my refugee friends seem to have an advantage (minus they've been practicing most of their lives) - they work the evening shift and can sleep through part of the day. Not to say it's any easier but it might be.

Through this process I just need to keep reminding myself to have grace. To be mindful of what I can do and not kick myself if I fall off course.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

A novice account of Ramadan 2015

The past couple years I have contemplated participating with my fellow refugee farmers.
     Fasting from sunrise to sunset. 
          No food, no water, no gum. 
               No sex, no swearing, no gossip. 
Add in a little more prayer. 

To support and honor my Muslim friends.
     To discipline myself with new habits and routines.

Why now? 
It's taken me two years to wrap my mind around it and be ready to be 'all in.' 
     No half-assing.
It's another health journey with lining my cellular stars up right.
     I've lived with fibroids since I was 29. 
          Two fairly large ones - one rests on my bladder and the other on my rectum. 
               They normally cause me zero issues unless maybe 2 miscarriages 18 months apart.
2014 brought an ayauasca experience and weekly acupuncture treatments.
          It is time to release the sisters and truly let them go.
               Be grateful for what they have taught me - how they have grounded me.
Ramadan 2015 concludes the day I begin my 43rd spin around the sun.

Over the next 29-30 days I will share my novice experience and insight into my ever-evolving spirit.

Now let me eat!