Saturday, December 01, 2007


I have always been one to learn about herbs and health, but never one to commit 100% because I have a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to committing to myself. In regards to Te, that is a whole other story, I do my best to keep my son healthy as possible. In past month I have now acquired my second cold. The first one lasted over two weeks and now I am about 4 or 5 days into another one that will probably go the distance of 10 days. I discovered on Monday that my right eye is bloodshot in the corner and I've got something going on on my scelera - I think I might have a cold in my eye too - if it doesn't clear I'll see the allopathic doctor.
Anyways - I started my health & nutrition class ten days ago (I had to restart from August) and it goes through May. Right now were becoming quite aware of our food choices. For a while now I've been working up to going on a cleanse or at least a 7 day juice fast - it's just that juicing is time consuming and I am short on time in the mornings. That said however, once I start juicing I know I'll have more energy. So the two colds and the weird thing in my eye have finally brought me to a cross in the road where I tell myself it's time to focus on you and your health. I do not want to come upon a severe crisis and try to work my way to health, I need to do it now and prevent a crisis situation.
So today I am experimenting with eating more raw. My goal for now is to try and eat 80% raw. I do not know if I can quite give up my coffee yet... So this day forward I will try and do my best to document my experience of active change within myself.
For lunch I made myself a salad that included 1 medium tomato, half an avocado, a clove of garlic, a squeeze of lemon, a light drizzle of olive oil and some fresh ground pepper.
This going raw will be a challenge - but right now I'm kind of motivated after being stuffy in the head for almost a month. So here goes to being healthy and whole!

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