Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Experiencing the journey of finding your own spirit reflected in the world around you is why you are here.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Flooded with Love

There are those days when your child tests your wit and you want to scream and kick -then as they peacefully sleep or do something silly you have the "awww" moment and you can't stop grinning. As I am sure many parents know it's hard allowing them to become the person they're meant to be without putting some kind of conditions upon them. Trying to control them so you can feel in control. It's hard banging heads with a spouse or partner when you both have been raised in completely opposite households and have completely opposite parenting styles. However, as you go along you learn, you compromise, and you figure it out.

Right now Boo has been pretty trying. Not trying all the time - he just has his moments. Te has always been independent and has always liked to do it Te's way - he's very persistent. I bought a book a few months back called "Raising the Spirited Child" and in it it describes like five temperment types. Our boy is definitely persistent with an edge of intense. I would say both his parents are persistent and Jeff is definitely intense so no wonder the kid likes to do it his way. Now we are learning how to allow him to be an active part in most decisions concerning him in which he can be an active part and channeling his energy. Boo likes it his way, and mostly only his way - so you definitely have to pick your battles. I know at times Jeff thinks I am too lenient but I am not controlling like Jeff and I definitely have a higher tolerance level. I always try to put myself in Te's shoes and be reasonable. Jeff on the other hand has a tendency to be forceful, but in the last week he's changed a lot...I think he's having some "ah-ha" moments and realizing the conditions or boundaries he puts on Te - when he could more flexible and everyone has a win-win situation. It's all a learning experience and like they say, kids do not come with instructions. It's wonderful to learn and grow and Te just opens our eyes wider and wider. Perhaps the biggest reward kids teach is tolerance, if only everyone could remember what they were like and respect the child inside of themselves we might all be in a little happier place :)

Saturday, December 01, 2007


I have always been one to learn about herbs and health, but never one to commit 100% because I have a tendency to procrastinate when it comes to committing to myself. In regards to Te, that is a whole other story, I do my best to keep my son healthy as possible. In past month I have now acquired my second cold. The first one lasted over two weeks and now I am about 4 or 5 days into another one that will probably go the distance of 10 days. I discovered on Monday that my right eye is bloodshot in the corner and I've got something going on on my scelera - I think I might have a cold in my eye too - if it doesn't clear I'll see the allopathic doctor.
Anyways - I started my health & nutrition class ten days ago (I had to restart from August) and it goes through May. Right now were becoming quite aware of our food choices. For a while now I've been working up to going on a cleanse or at least a 7 day juice fast - it's just that juicing is time consuming and I am short on time in the mornings. That said however, once I start juicing I know I'll have more energy. So the two colds and the weird thing in my eye have finally brought me to a cross in the road where I tell myself it's time to focus on you and your health. I do not want to come upon a severe crisis and try to work my way to health, I need to do it now and prevent a crisis situation.
So today I am experimenting with eating more raw. My goal for now is to try and eat 80% raw. I do not know if I can quite give up my coffee yet... So this day forward I will try and do my best to document my experience of active change within myself.
For lunch I made myself a salad that included 1 medium tomato, half an avocado, a clove of garlic, a squeeze of lemon, a light drizzle of olive oil and some fresh ground pepper.
This going raw will be a challenge - but right now I'm kind of motivated after being stuffy in the head for almost a month. So here goes to being healthy and whole!