Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Las Vegas

Click on my profile to view additional photos on my photo blog. Peace.

Happy chics

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Surreal Experience

I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I think there are many truths and one must follow what speaks to their heart. Religion is a controversial subject and is one I chose not to identify with - I think religion in and of itself creates barriers among mankind resulting in individuals living literally instead of between the lines.

I think it is a constant soul urge/craving to want to know ones higher purpose. Prior to descending to this place we call earth I believe we know each other - like I believe Te knows his ancestors. A philosophy both my dad and my aunt have both questioned, yet never judged. I think there are certain souls we've agreed to share this experience with and many of these souls of expression include our families and friends. There are also those individuals you just run into that you've agreed to meet at some place in time where you give each other a wake-up call, a redirect, a challenge, a connection. Thursday, January 25, 2007 was one of those experiences where I met souls I made a previous agreement with and we found each other in Vegas at the Kahuanaville in Treasure Island.

For the past couple months I would say I have been desperately trying to be open to Spirit - it's probably a practice I've been subconsciously actively pursuing since my dad past. I desperately want to be OK with the things I know intuitively and not be afraid to say what I hear when it happens instantaneously. So intention is one of those practices I've been pursuing.

What happened in Vegas last Thursday night includes a couple of happenings. One where you outwardly express a thought - and bam - it happens, then it just oddly happens again where later you go "wow, that's pretty cool and crazy" rolled into one.

My friend Paula and I descended on Vegas at 340pm Thursday afternoon. We checked into our condo and kind of kicked our feet around for a couple hours before we got motivated. We hitched a ride on the shuttle to the Monte Carlo and a taxi ride to Harrahs. We headed to Harrahs on a lead that there was a free disco. Harrahs is pretty much across the street from Treasure Island. I'd never really seen the Treasure Island show and Paula made a point that I did. As we stood on the boardwalk in anticipation of the show we looked across the water at the Tangerine and thought it looked to be a cool place to check out. Keep that thought.

After the show we walked through the doors of Treasure Island to complimentary drink coupons at Kahuanaville and passes to Tangerine. Ironically there is no dress code at the Tangerine on Tuesdays and Thursdays so our jaunt to the Tangerine appeared to be doable. Paula and I proceeded to Kahuanaville and enjoyed complimentary drinks, entertaining bartenders, and good eats. This is also where we met our cohorts for the night and where the soul connection took place.

Rich was in town on business, just closed a business deal that day and was leaving on Friday. There are those people who are trying to pick up chics and then there are those just in pursuit of conversation with the opposite sex with zero alterior motives - this was one of those instances. Rich was the facilitator of the evening. We made his acquaintance along with about two other people, Vinnie and John, and told them we would meet them at the Tangerine. We met them along with about five other people (men & women) at the Tangerine on the VIP balcony overlooking the water where the show previously took place. It is not normal to have spiritual conversations with people the first time you meet; however, about five of the people we met and hung out with for the night had a definite soul connection. I knew them from somewhere beyond the boundaries of this material world - and it is an experience that cannot be expressed in words, it is just something that needs acknowledgement. Paula and I partied like rockstars and definitely felt our drunken retribution on Friday. Another mindful experience happened on Saturday when we sat down for a the only moment at the slots and Paula commented to me, " I am going to sit down over there by that lady, I have a feeling." Less then five minutes later she was back with a $308 redemption ticket in hand.

Whoever thinks you cannot have a spiritual experience in "Sin City" is wrong. It can and it does happen - I know cause it did and I am grateful.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Te is 2!

WOWZA! How time flies and the sweet babe grows older. Te still fascinates me, I think every parent elated with their child will tell you they are fascinating - whether they are two or twenty-two. I hope that my elation with my son today only grows stronger as he ages and that as a parent I will have the ability to continue to have patience, understanding, forgiveness, and a pure heart to not place limitations or judgements on my love for my child. I know from my own experiences as a child what that means - and unfortunately there are children and adults who have experienced conditional love. The love I received as a child and continue to receive as an adult is unconditional - however, I know how children's actions can sometimes warrant unpleasant reactions. So for me it is important to always walk with an empathetic heart, listen, and be grateful for being blessed with a child. On Sunday we celebrated Te's birthday a day early and his two friends Kobe & Devin Morales came to party, along with Duana, grandpa Tom, Uncle Jon, cousin Robert, Auntie Gramm & Pop-Pop Steve. We celebrated with dessert before dinner, and a lovely rendition of Happy Birthday. I think Te must of been embarrassed since once we all started singing he began to hit himself in the face and bury his face into the table. He was on the verge of crying so I think he was not particularly fond of our singing. Te received a special gift from Tom, Jon & Jeff - Jon & Jeff's 35+ year old Wonder Horse with new springs and new wood. I k new the instant it was brought into the house it would warrant crying words of "mine, mine" and the inability to share - which it did. However, Kobe & Devin did manage a little riding time. All in all it was a nice and quiet low-key celebration. As he ages I am sure they will become more rambunctious and interesting. For now - thanking God for Te, family, friends and shared memories.