Monday, October 16, 2006

Reality Check

Boy - sometimes reality slaps you in the face and brings you back to earth. This past weekend (10-14-06) was both awesome and traumatic. Friday night Jeff and I went to our friends, the Woodalls, for a rager in Hidden Springs. It was funny since Jeff took a detour down Dry Creek and I told him it really felt like we were going to a rager traveling down a dirt road where the night sky was clear. I have really been practicing just being - trying to eliminate criticism and work from my core with love. Prior to shifting my brain on the dirt road ride - I had told Jeff that if I was driving I would of taken the more leisurely route through town. Hitting the dirt road made our ride more leisurely after we got off the fast pace of Hwy 55. Jeff is always in a hurry and normally I am trying to smell the roses. So it was rather ironic - cause I was partly annoyed with him going the fast lane. However, I acknowledged the fact to Jeff that he had taken a serious detour and then the light switched in my head - I rolled down the window and started drinking in the nice distraction of being consumed by the cool crisp fall air. Once Dry Creek teed into Seaman's Gulch I pointed South and told Jeff to go right. Ironically he followed my lead which is very abnormal - and within a half mile we were at our destination. The detour Jeff took was a spontaneous one - we both knew it would eventually take us where we were going - just how was not certain. It was a great night out after spending the previous weekend in the hospital due to Te's asthma acting up.

Saturday was also a great day. We hadn't been to Market for two weeks since we were in SLC for a football game, and then Te was in the hospital. They forgot to chalk our space in and so I made room for us and enjoyed a beautiful bluebird fall day. Spent a great evening hanging out - just me and Te - then I was a dumbass and left the room with Te and Stan (our dog) alone while I went to the bathroom. Te must of got up at the same time I did and got in Stan's face. Stan was cornered and had nowhere to go - resulting in Te getting nipped on the nose. The nip resulted in Te falling and doing a banger on his forehead - all in all - resulting in 11 stitches. Talk about trauma. Jeff was at some UFC kind of thing and so I had to recruit the neighbors to take us to the ER Jeff does not deal well with stress so I definitely got an earful. My weekend started out great - then it got sour fast.

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