Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time is like a River

Constantly changing, evolving, progressing...never stagnate...always exciting. Unlike being caught in a river - focused in the moment - time is something we are always trying to manipulate and control looking forwards and backwards but never being present. I am surely learning the meaning of "present." It is almost surreal how my days have been passing. There are moments where I feel I do not have enough time - and times where time stands still. Over the past two days with the hoopla of the transition of the business and planning Tom's party now done and over - I go to work and feel like time is practically standing still. And the stillness is truly a wonderful and blissful place to be at this juncture.

I do not have a clock plugged in so an hour has felt more like two or three hours of peace. Jeff brought a clock in early this afternoon and I do not know whether or not I want to plug it in. I work solely off my internal clock - I have ever since I quit mowing lawns and had to keep a schedule - twelve years ago. Now that I work for myself it's a completely different experience - actually quite fulfilling. Granted I don't know when the money will roll in to cover my life expenses I trust in the Divine and believe all will settle well. It's crazy how centered I finally feel - it proves perhaps I am on my right path. I see signs almost daily with constant deja vu and know that the lesson I am learning which I have been seeking is stillness in the moment. Appreciating where I am and infusing it with love and gratitude. Actually learning to nurture all things and reflecting on how all things, all animals, all everything is a simple soul reflection. The sour stuff is the sour part of us and you gotta learn to love the sour to really appreciate the goodness and richness of life. Love is power.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Short on Leisure Time

Today I learned to operate my newly acquired two-color press, once I figure out it's quirks I think I'll manage just fine. It's always fun to learn and do new things. I feel like I am constantly working - really - constantly working. Tonight I've had a few minutes to cruise the Internet to just check things out but my mind is so FULL of "to-dos" that I forget what I was just thinking about looking up. Sorta pathetic.

We are due to be out of our old location by the end of the month -it's going to bite us in the bum sooner then later. Our little shop now is getting stacked full of paper and other things that need to eventually migrate to our residence. I am tired of moving piles here piles there but we really have no choice.

My niece Chelsea showed up this past weekend so that has been a blessing. We had a decent show in the historic Idaho town of Roseberry over the 4th and now ZuCru will be kicking our asses too. I am not complaining really - just seriously overwhelmed with how all I do is work, work, work.

The garden is growing lovely so am excited to start enjoying the harvest. I think I am gearing up to take the locovore challenge. You would think being a vendor at the Farmers Market would make it an easy challenge - but as most vendors will tell you - they never get to shop. Now Chelsea can man the booth and I'll do some shopping!

Tata for now.