Sunday, November 11, 2007


I know when running a business it's imperative to be fairly efficient in handling customer returns and so forth when it comes to photographs. However, I guess my side photography business takes a backseat to everything I do - it's the last on my lists of "to do's." I need to change that - or I need to tell people it takes a couple months to see a return - and, if you haven't heard from me, pester me. Some people might say, "Well, it's not my job to pester you." Yes it is if I told you so - plain and simple. And the thing is, if you don't get pissy with me because my lack of being more aggressive in turning around your prints, often times if it has taken me awhile you'll end up with some great perk/s. Since I came back from Africa, like everything else, what happened before I left kind of got lost when I returned and it's taken me five/six months to catch back up to my life. It's not so much I was lost - it is more of me establishing healthy boundaries for myself and my family. I have a tendency to do a bajillion things at once - and I am learning how to do a bajillion things within reason without losing my head in the clouds and losing sight of my family. This little heads-up was obviously instigated by a disgruntled customer. So be it.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Time moving forward - project progressing. Sometimes it seems it takes forever, yet there is never enough time to get 'er done. I admit I procrastinate, something I need to change - but I really do work best under stress - even if I am bitching all the way. I am not bitching about my project I've been working on for Small Village cause I've enjoyed it; it's just taken me forever to manifest it cause I've had trouble trying to wrap up the experience. Thus far I am pretty pleased with my production I just need to get the music I want swapped out and to add the captions and I am done. Kind of exciting and I believe those who see it will enjoy it. Now I finally have something to distribute. It has also motivated me to keep trucking along and put our entire trip into a presentation for all of us who traveled together. The DVD I've been working on just showcases our projects so it works two-fold and can also be used down the road for gaining sponsorships, marketing and so forth. It just brings the whole experience alive every time you reminisce through the images. It is pretty pathetic when I haven't even shown my family images of where I've been. So seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - knowing we can sit down at Thanksgiving or Christmas and share in my experience it's rather gratifying. Maybe it will give each of them a candle of light - a new perspective - an explanation for my passion.